Follicular lymphoma presenting as scalp mass deformity: Case Report and Review of the literature.

Divine Nwafor, Walid Radwan, Brandon Lucke-Wold, William Underwood, Kymberly Gyure, Robert Marsh
Author Information
  1. Divine Nwafor: Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.
  2. Walid Radwan: Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.
  3. Brandon Lucke-Wold: Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.
  4. William Underwood: Department of Neurosurgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  5. Kymberly Gyure: Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.
  6. Robert Marsh: Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.


Lymphoma presenting as a scalp mass is a rare but serious medical condition mandating aggressive treatment and neurosurgical intervention. We report a case of 53-year-old male who presented with a large right sided frontal scalp mass and a smaller mass located on the left frontal scalp. After discussion with the patient, it was decided to resect the larger mass for definitive diagnosis. After subtotal resection of the mass, biopsy revealed WHO grade 1 follicular Lymphoma (FL), diffuse pattern stage IV. The patient was subsequently treated with 4 grays (Gy) of palliative radiotherapy over 2 fractions to the right frontal scalp and systemic chemo-immunotherapy (6 cycles) followed by rituximab maintenance. Lumbar puncture to obtain cerebrospinal fluid was done a month after therapy began and the results were negative for spread of malignant cells. Approximately 3 months after initiation of therapy, PET/CT showed no evidence of active malignancy and MRI revealed a complete internal resolution of the enlarged right frontal scalp mass. We use this case to provide a detailed discussion regarding disease pathophysiology, early diagnosis, and management.



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  1. U54 GM104942/NIGMS NIH HHS

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0massscalpfrontalrightlymphomapresentingcasediscussionpatientdiagnosisrevealedfollicularradiotherapychemo-immunotherapytherapyLymphomarareseriousmedicalconditionmandatingaggressivetreatmentneurosurgicalinterventionreport53-year-oldmalepresentedlargesidedsmallerlocatedleftdecidedresectlargerdefinitivesubtotalresectionbiopsyWHOgrade1FLdiffusepatternstageIVsubsequentlytreated4graysGypalliative2fractionssystemic6cyclesfollowedrituximabmaintenanceLumbarpunctureobtaincerebrospinalfluiddonemonthbeganresultsnegativespreadmalignantcellsApproximately3monthsinitiationPET/CTshowedevidenceactivemalignancyMRIcompleteinternalresolutionenlargeduseprovidedetailedregardingdiseasepathophysiologyearlymanagementFolliculardeformity:CaseReportReviewliterature

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