A Plugin Framework for Extending the Simulation Capabilities of FEBio.

Steve A Maas, Steven A LaBelle, Gerard A Ateshian, Jeffrey A Weiss
Author Information
  1. Steve A Maas: Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  2. Steven A LaBelle: Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  3. Gerard A Ateshian: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, New York.
  4. Jeffrey A Weiss: Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Electronic address: jeff.weiss@utah.edu.


The FEBio software suite is a set of software tools for nonlinear finite element analysis in biomechanics and biophysics. FEBio employs mixture theory to account for the multiconstituent nature of biological materials, integrating the field equations for irreversible thermodynamics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, mass transport with reactive species, and electrokinetics. This communication describes the development and application of a new "plugin" framework for FEBio. Plugins are dynamically linked libraries that allow users to add new features and to couple FEBio with other domain-specific software applications without modifying the source code directly. The governing equations and simulation capabilities of FEBio are reviewed. The implementation, structure, use, and application of the plugin framework are detailed. Several example plugins are described in detail to illustrate how plugins enrich, extend, and leverage existing capabilities in FEBio, including applications to deformable image registration, constitutive modeling of biological tissues, coupling to an external software package that simulates angiogenesis using a discrete computational model, and a nonlinear reaction-diffusion solver. The plugin feature facilitates dissemination of new simulation methods, reproduction of published results, and coupling of FEBio with other domain-specific simulation approaches such as compartmental modeling, agent-based modeling, and rigid-body dynamics. We anticipate that the new plugin framework will greatly expand the range of applications for the FEBio software suite and thus its impact.


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  1. R01 AR069297/NIAMS NIH HHS
  2. R01 EB015133/NIBIB NIH HHS
  3. R01 GM104139/NIGMS NIH HHS
  4. R01 HL131856/NHLBI NIH HHS
  5. R01 GM083925/NIGMS NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Finite Element Analysis
Nonlinear Dynamics

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0FEBiosoftwarenewframeworkapplicationssimulationpluginmodelingsuitenonlinearbiologicalequationsmechanicsapplicationdomain-specificcapabilitiespluginscouplingsettoolsfiniteelementanalysisbiomechanicsbiophysicsemploysmixturetheoryaccountmulticonstituentnaturematerialsintegratingfieldirreversiblethermodynamicssolidfluidmasstransportreactivespecieselectrokineticscommunicationdescribesdevelopment"plugin"PluginsdynamicallylinkedlibrariesallowusersaddfeaturescouplewithoutmodifyingsourcecodedirectlygoverningreviewedimplementationstructureusedetailedSeveralexampledescribeddetailillustrateenrichextendleverageexistingincludingdeformableimageregistrationconstitutivetissuesexternalpackagesimulatesangiogenesisusingdiscretecomputationalmodelreaction-diffusionsolverfeaturefacilitatesdisseminationmethodsreproductionpublishedresultsapproachescompartmentalagent-basedrigid-bodydynamicsanticipatewillgreatlyexpandrangethusimpactPluginFrameworkExtendingSimulationCapabilities

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