3D Printing Technology: A New Milestone in the Development of Pharmaceuticals.

Anish Chandekar, Dinesh K Mishra, Sanjay Sharma, Gaurav K Saraogi, Umesh Gupta, Gaurav Gupta
Author Information
  1. Anish Chandekar: NMIMS, School of Pharmacy & Technology Management, Shirpur (Maharashtra), India.
  2. Dinesh K Mishra: NMIMS, School of Pharmacy & Technology Management, Shirpur (Maharashtra), India.
  3. Sanjay Sharma: NMIMS, School of Pharmacy & Technology Management, Shirpur (Maharashtra), India.
  4. Gaurav K Saraogi: NMIMS, School of Pharmacy & Technology Management, Shirpur (Maharashtra), India.
  5. Umesh Gupta: Department of Pharmacy, School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, Ajmer, India.
  6. Gaurav Gupta: School of Pharmacy, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jagatpura, Mahal Road, Jaipur, India.


The global market of pharmaceuticals has witnessed a new revolution recently in the form of threedimensional printing (3D) technology. 3D printing has its existence since the 1980s that uses a 3D printer to manufacture the different dosage forms through computer-aided drug design technology. The need for 3D printing is due to numerous advantages like personalized medicine, tailored doses, rapid disintegration in case of SLS technique, incorporation of high doses and taste masking capacity. The different techniques used in 3D printing are Powder based (PB), Semi-solid extrusion (EXT), Fused deposition modeling (FDM), Stereolithographic (SLA) and Selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D printing. However, from the latest reports of association of pharmaceutical 3D printing technology, it is evidenced that this technology is still in its infancy and its potential is yet to be fully explored. The present review includes sections for introduction and scope of 3D printing, personalized medicines and their approaches, historical aspects, research milestones, and various 3D printing techniques.


MeSH Term

Drug Design
Precision Medicine
Printing, Three-Dimensional
Technology, Pharmaceutical

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0printing3DtechnologydifferentpersonalizedmedicinedosesSLStechniquesPowderbasedextrusionFuseddepositionmodelingFDMglobalmarketpharmaceuticalswitnessednewrevolutionrecentlyformthreedimensionalexistencesince1980susesprintermanufacturedosageformscomputer-aideddrugdesignneedduenumerousadvantagesliketailoredrapiddisintegrationcasetechniqueincorporationhightastemaskingcapacityusedPBSemi-solidEXTStereolithographicSLASelectivelasersinteringHoweverlatestreportsassociationpharmaceuticalevidencedstillinfancypotentialyetfullyexploredpresentreviewincludessectionsintroductionscopemedicinesapproacheshistoricalaspectsresearchmilestonesvariousPrintingTechnology:NewMilestoneDevelopmentPharmaceuticalsInkjetPersonalizedSemisolid

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