Three-Dimensional Spheroids With Primary Human Liver Cells and Differential Roles of Kupffer Cells in Drug-Induced Liver Injury.

Feng Li, Li Cao, Sweta Parikh, Rongjun Zuo
Author Information
  1. Feng Li: Corning Life Sciences, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730. Electronic address:
  2. Li Cao: Corning Life Sciences, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730.
  3. Sweta Parikh: Corning Life Sciences, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730.
  4. Rongjun Zuo: Corning Life Sciences, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730.


Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) remains a challenge and a leading risk for drug discovery. Three-dimensional liver spheroids made from primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) with, or without, other liver cell types can provide more physiological relevance. In comparison to conventional 2-dimensional monolayer culture, our tests with 100 drugs of known DILI status indicate that PHH spheroids are significantly more sensitive in detecting drug-induced hepatotoxicity. To evaluate the role of Kupffer cells (KCs) in drug-induced liver toxicity, we have established conditions for generating co-culture spheroids with PHH and KCs. Inflammatory responses as shown by interleukin 6 secretion can be recapitulated in co-culture spheroids when treated with endotoxin lipopolysaccharides. KCs potentiated the cytotoxicity induced by trovafloxacin in co-culture spheroids at 48 h, but the differences between PHH spheroids and co-culture spheroids became less obvious after a 5-day treatment. Interestingly, a protective role of KCs was shown in co-culture spheroids treated with both acetaminophen and lipopolysaccharides. Additional tests with 14 DILI compounds comparing PHH spheroids and co-culture spheroids showed differential roles of KCs that were compound dependent. In summary, these 3-dimensional liver spheroid models are useful tools to understand the complex mechanisms underlying DILI.


MeSH Term

Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury
Coculture Techniques
Kupffer Cells
Spheroids, Cellular

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0spheroidsliverco-cultureKCsDILIPHHKupfferhepatocytescantestsdrug-inducedrolecellstoxicityshowntreatedlipopolysaccharidesLiverCellsDrug-inducedinjuryremainschallengeleadingriskdrugdiscoveryThree-dimensionalmadeprimaryhumanPHHswithoutcelltypesprovidephysiologicalrelevancecomparisonconventional2-dimensionalmonolayerculture100drugsknownstatusindicatesignificantlysensitivedetectinghepatotoxicityevaluateestablishedconditionsgeneratingInflammatoryresponsesinterleukin6secretionrecapitulatedendotoxinpotentiatedcytotoxicityinducedtrovafloxacin48 hdifferencesbecamelessobvious5-daytreatmentInterestinglyprotectiveacetaminophenAdditional14compoundscomparingshoweddifferentialrolescompounddependentsummary3-dimensionalspheroidmodelsusefultoolsunderstandcomplexmechanismsunderlyingThree-DimensionalSpheroidsPrimaryHumanDifferentialRolesDrug-InducedInjury

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