Improving the Effectiveness of Multi-Agent Cooperation for Green Manufacturing in China: A Theoretical Framework to Measure the Performance of Green Technology Innovation.

Shi Yin, Nan Zhang, Baizhou Li
Author Information
  1. Shi Yin: College of Economics and Management, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China.
  2. Nan Zhang: College of Economics and Management, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China.
  3. Baizhou Li: School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China.


A green manufacturing system is an important tool to realize green transformation of the manufacturing industry. The systematicness of green technology innovation as the key foundation of green manufacturing supports the entire huge green manufacturing system. In order to improve the effectiveness of multi-agent cooperation, it is necessary to analyze a series of green technology innovation achievements of manufacturing enterprises under multi-agent cooperation. First of all, inter-indicator correlation analysis and exploratory factor analysis were used to construct the evaluation index system of the green technology innovation performance of manufacturing enterprises under multi-agent cooperation. Then, a secondary combined evaluation model was constructed based on the evaluation conclusions. Finally, a theoretical framework was constructed to measure the performance of the green technology innovation of manufacturing enterprises under multi-agent cooperation. The results of this study are as follows: The evaluation index system of the green technology innovation performance of manufacturing enterprises under multi-agent cooperation is composed of the technology output, economic output, and social effect of green technology innovation. The key factors that influence the green technology innovation performance of manufacturing enterprises under multi-agent cooperation are the proportion of green technology transformation in traditional technology, the number of papers published jointly by multi-agent cooperation, the user acceptance of green technology products, and the degree of improvement of public environmental preference and consciousness. A fusion of technology of subjective and objective methods is an effective evaluation technique and can be applied to evaluate the performance of green technology innovation. The secondary combined evaluation combines the evaluation conclusions obtained by each single evaluation method in a certain form.



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Conservation of Energy Resources
Manufacturing Industry

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0greentechnologymanufacturinginnovationevaluationmulti-agentcooperationenterprisesperformancesystemtransformationkeyanalysisindexsecondarycombinedconstructedconclusionsoutputGreenimportanttoolrealizeindustrysystematicnessfoundationsupportsentirehugeorderimproveeffectivenessnecessaryanalyzeseriesachievementsFirstinter-indicatorcorrelationexploratoryfactorusedconstructmodelbasedFinallytheoreticalframeworkmeasureresultsstudyfollows:composedeconomicsocialeffectfactorsinfluenceproportiontraditionalnumberpaperspublishedjointlyuseracceptanceproductsdegreeimprovementpublicenvironmentalpreferenceconsciousnessfusionsubjectiveobjectivemethodseffectivetechniquecanappliedevaluatecombinesobtainedsinglemethodcertainformImprovingEffectivenessMulti-AgentCooperationManufacturingChina:TheoreticalFrameworkMeasurePerformanceTechnologyInnovation

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