Myriad RNAs and RNA-Binding Proteins Control Cell Functions, Explain Diseases, and Guide New Therapies.

Byung Ran So, Gideon Dreyfuss
Author Information
  1. Byung Ran So: Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.
  2. Gideon Dreyfuss: Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.


This summary of the 84th (CSHL) , held in May 2019, highlights key emerging themes in this field, which now impacts nearly every aspect of biology and medicine. Recent discoveries accelerated by technological developments reveal enormous diversity of RNAs and RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) with ever-increasing roles in eukaryotes. Atomic structures and live-cell imaging of transcription, RNA splicing, 3'-end processing, modifications, and degradation machineries provide mechanistic insights, explaining hundreds of diseases caused by their perturbations. This great progress uncovered numerous targets for therapies, some of which have already been successfully exploited, and many opportunities for pharmacological intervention and RNA-guided genome engineering. Myriad unexplained RNAs and RBPs leave the RNA field open for many more exciting discoveries.


  1. R01 GM112923/NIGMS NIH HHS
  2. R35 GM139646/NIGMS NIH HHS

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0RNAsfielddiscoveriesRBPsRNAmanyMyriadsummary84thCSHLheldMay2019highlightskeyemergingthemesnowimpactsnearlyeveryaspectbiologymedicineRecentacceleratedtechnologicaldevelopmentsrevealenormousdiversityRNA-bindingproteinsever-increasingroleseukaryotesAtomicstructureslive-cellimagingtranscriptionsplicing3'-endprocessingmodificationsdegradationmachineriesprovidemechanisticinsightsexplaininghundredsdiseasescausedperturbationsgreatprogressuncoverednumeroustargetstherapiesalreadysuccessfullyexploitedopportunitiespharmacologicalinterventionRNA-guidedgenomeengineeringunexplainedleaveopenexcitingRNA-BindingProteinsControlCellFunctionsExplainDiseasesGuideNewTherapies

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