BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The conceptualization of personality pathology, or personality disturbance, is now at a substantive crossroads. Some researchers (and clinicians) prefer a focus on the domains of personality pathology that are well-described and captured in traditional categorical diagnostic approaches that, in some instances, abut normal personality constructs. Other workers argue to move the study of personality disorder (PD) closer to personality science seeking continuous connections between PD and established dimensions of healthy-range, normal personality. Most of the latter efforts revolve around correlational and factor analytic study of phenotypic expressions of PD features and normal personality dimensions. It is notable, however, that both visions of the PD/personality interface are essentially unlinked to an understanding of shared neurobiological underpinnings (i.e., neurotransmitter-influenced neurobehavioral systems) of both personality disturbance and normal personality1. Here, we present a nontechnical, conceptual overview of our approach to this problem, advancing a neurobehavioral approach that seeks to anchor both normal personality and personality disturbance within a matrix of brain-based neurobiological systems, incorporating genetic, epigenetic, and environmental inputs. In this brief paper, we seek only to provide a necessarily cursory introduction to how we conceptualize this area and illustrate, in broad outline, our effort to characterize both personality and personality disturbance anchored in neurobehavioral systems. Our approach, which we began developing in the middle 1990s, can be juxtaposed with the more recently proposed DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders as well as the well-established five-factor approach to PD.