[Young Children's Family Sex Education in Rural Areas of Sichuan Province and Its Influencing Factors].

Xi Zhang, Jing Zhou, Xue-Mei Dai, Fu-Rang Hou, Yu-Yang Gao, Liu-Qing Yan, Ping Yuan
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To understand the family sex education for young children in rural areas of Sichuan province and analyze the influencing factors. A multi-stage random sampling method was used to select 2246 parents of kindergarten children from rural areas in Sichuan province for a questionnaire-based survey.The Chi-square test and Logistic regression model were used for data analysis. It was found 1132(52.33%)parents had implemented family sex education for young children and 1031(47.67%)had not.Young children having asked sex-related questions(=1.536,95%=1.257-1.878),parents thinking that early childhood sex education is necessary(=3.691,95%=2.029-6.717),and parents having the intention to know early childhood sex education(=1.700,95%=1.274-2.269),and kindergarten having implemented early childhood sex education(=3.316,95%=2.515-4.372)were promoting factors for parents to conduct early childhood sex education,whereas a total annual household income at the middle level(=0.664,95%=0.456-0.968)was a hindering factor for parents to conduct early childhood sex education. Parents of young children in rural areas of Sichuan province have poor awareness of sex education,and the proportion of parents who have never conducted sex education for children is high.The total annual income of the family,whether the children have asked about sex-related questions,parents' attitude towards early childhood sex education,and whether the kindergarten has conducted the early childhood sex education are important factors that influence the level of children's family sex education.


MeSH Term

Logistic Models
Sex Education
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0sexeducationchildrenparentsearlychildhoodfamilyyoungSichuanfactorsruralareasprovincekindergarteninfluencingusedTheimplementedaskedsex-relatedquestions=195%=1=395%=2conducttotalannualincomelevelconductedwhetherunderstandanalyzemulti-stagerandomsamplingmethodselect2246questionnaire-basedsurveyChi-squaretestLogisticregressionmodeldataanalysisfound11325233%10314767%notYoung536257-1878thinkingnecessary691029-6717intentionknow700274-2269316515-4372promotingwhereashouseholdmiddle=066495%=0456-0968hinderingfactorParentspoorawarenessproportionneverhighparents'attitudetowardsimportantinfluencechildren's[YoungChildren'sFamilySexEducationRuralAreasProvinceInfluencingFactors]cross-sectionalstudy

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