- C P Chávez Andrade: Centro de Neurorehabilitación Surgir, Cali, Colombia. Electronic address: claudia265@hotmail.com.
OBJECTIVE: Prevalence study describing the perception of burden among the caregivers of patients with cerebral palsy attending a neurological rehabilitation centre.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was carried out in a neuro-rehabilitation centre in Cali, Colombia, with the participation of 117 caregivers of cerebral palsy patients. Information was gathered on caregiver burden, caregivers' sociodemographic characteristics and the patients' clinics between June and August 2017. Information on caregiver burden was collected with the Zarit Burden Interview. Burden was classified into 2 groups (light to moderate burden and moderate to severe burden) for the bivariate analysis.
RESULTS: Most caregivers experienced light to moderate burden (74%); an increase in the probability of burden among caregivers with moderate to severe burden was observed in the caregivers of women (OR 1.35; P>.05), children aged 6 to 10 years (OR 1.9; P>.05), and those with greater gross motor function involvement, classified in level iv and v according to the GMFCS (OR 1.60 and 1.11, respectively; P>.05). Burden was also higher in caregivers who were separated, divorced or widowed (OR 2.38; P>.05), and those with incomplete basic secondary education (OR 2.86; P>.05).
CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that perceived burden among caregivers varies mainly according to the age, sex, and disability of patients with cerebral palsy, as well as the age, marital status and educational level of the caregiver.