The state of practice of COVID-19 tracking systems: An inventory study.

Rong Tang, Sanda Erdelez, Emma May, Yishan Zhang
Author Information
  1. Rong Tang: School of Library and Information Science, College of Organizational, Computational, and Information Sciences Simmons University Boston Massachusetts USA.
  2. Sanda Erdelez: School of Library and Information Science, College of Organizational, Computational, and Information Sciences Simmons University Boston Massachusetts USA.
  3. Emma May: School of Library and Information Science, College of Organizational, Computational, and Information Sciences Simmons University Boston Massachusetts USA.
  4. Yishan Zhang: School of Library and Information Science, College of Organizational, Computational, and Information Sciences Simmons University Boston Massachusetts USA.


In this poster, we report the preliminary results of an inventory of 149 publicly accessible active COVID-19 tracking systems. Key findings include the frequency distribution of the systems' web domain names, the countries where the systems were created, the languages they support, the visual display format, the map platforms, and the data sources. These findings help to advance the knowledge of the data characteristics and design of pandemic surveillance/tracking systems.



  1. Proc Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2020;57(1):e397 [PMID: 33173829]

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0inventorytrackingsystemsdataCOVID-19findingsdomainnamescountrieslanguagesvisualdisplaymapplatformssourcesposterreportpreliminaryresults149publiclyaccessibleactiveKeyincludefrequencydistributionsystems'webcreatedsupportformathelpadvanceknowledgecharacteristicsdesignpandemicsurveillance/trackingstatepracticesystems:studyCOVID‐19systemURLformats

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