Impact of rapid urbanization on the threshold effect in the relationship between impervious surfaces and water quality in shanghai, China.

Zhonghao Wang, Sen Zhang, Yuru Peng, Chenhao Wu, Yongpeng Lv, Kexin Xiao, Jun Zhao, Guangren Qian
Author Information
  1. Zhonghao Wang: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China.
  2. Sen Zhang: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China.
  3. Yuru Peng: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China.
  4. Chenhao Wu: Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co, Ltd, Shanghai, 200092, China.
  5. Yongpeng Lv: Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co, Ltd, Shanghai, 200092, China.
  6. Kexin Xiao: Shanghai Industrial Development Research and Appraisal Center, 96 Guokang Road, Shanghai, 200092, China.
  7. Jun Zhao: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China. Electronic address:
  8. Guangren Qian: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China.


The threshold effect in the relationship between impervious surfaces and water quality has been a focus in past decades, but little attention has been paid to how the threshold effect changes during a rapid urbanization period. This study reveals the temporal variation of threshold effect in the relationship between the percentage of total impervious area (PTIA) and water quality indicators in a reticular river network area in Shanghai, China. The PTIA was surveyed and defined using the ISC method (impervious surface coefficients). A segmented regression model was used to disclose the non-linear relationship between PTIA and water quality. It is confirmed that the threshold effect was different in terms of water quality indicators, but the effect size became smaller as the threshold increased with urbanization level during the period of 1989-2010. Meteorological conditions make influence on the threshold effect, it can be found that the effect is more significant under higher air temperature conditions, while in the lower temperature situation, there is no significant threshold effect.


MeSH Term

Air Conditioning
Water Quality

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0effectthresholdqualitywaterrelationshipimperviousurbanizationsurfacesPTIArapidperiodareaindicatorsChinaregressionconditionssignificanttemperaturefocuspastdecadeslittleattentionpaidchangesstudyrevealstemporalvariationpercentagetotalreticularrivernetworkShanghaisurveyeddefinedusingISCmethodsurfacecoefficientssegmentedmodeluseddisclosenon-linearconfirmeddifferenttermssizebecamesmallerincreasedlevel1989-2010MeteorologicalmakeinfluencecanfoundhigherairlowersituationImpactshanghaiImperviousRapidSegmentedThresholdWater

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