The Direct Relationship between Bullying Rates and Extracurricular Activities among Adolescents and Teenagers with Disabilities.

Kaycee L Bills
Author Information
  1. Kaycee L Bills: Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, USA. ORCID


Past studies have indicated students who have disabilities are at a higher risk of experiencing bullying victimization in comparison to other student groups. Extracurricular activity participation has shown to establish better social outcomes for students. These positive social outcomes indirectly decrease the amount of times a student is bullied. The following study uses the National Crime Victimization Survey - School Crime Supplement (NCVS/SCS) to analyze the bullying occurrence rates experienced among students, with disabilities being a focal variable. To explore the relationship between extracurricular involvement and bullying occurrence rates, this study employs a binary logistic regression to determine if athletic and non-athletic extracurricular activities have an impact on the number of times a student with disabilities experiences bullying. Implications for future social welfare practice and research are discussed.


MeSH Term

Adaptation, Psychological
Disabled Persons
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0bullyingsocialstudentsdisabilitiesstudentextracurricularExtracurricularoutcomestimesstudyCrimeoccurrenceratesamongactivitiesDisabilitiesPaststudiesindicatedhigherriskexperiencingvictimizationcomparisongroupsactivityparticipationshownestablishbetterpositiveindirectlydecreaseamountbulliedfollowingusesNationalVictimizationSurvey-SchoolSupplementNCVS/SCSanalyzeexperiencedfocalvariableexplorerelationshipinvolvementemploysbinarylogisticregressiondetermineathleticnon-athleticimpactnumberexperiencesImplicationsfuturewelfarepracticeresearchdiscussedDirectRelationshipBullyingRatesActivitiesAdolescentsTeenagersschoolwork

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