Achieving an Optimal Outcome in Immediate Breast Reconstruction.

Ping Song, Lee L Q Pu
Author Information
  1. Ping Song: From the Division of Plastic Surgery, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA.


ABSTRACT: Performing immediate breast reconstruction requires careful consideration of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative factors. One of the fundamental necessities is a well-coordinated multidisciplinary team to achieve successful reconstruction. Clear and effective communication between the oncological surgeon and plastic surgeon is imperative. The treatment plan must take into account any potential neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies. Surgical planning and incisional approach must be carefully considered to optimize a safe oncologic surgery and ensure a viable reconstructive outcome. Furthermore, there are fundamentals to immediate breast reconstruction that must be met to obtain an aesthetically pleasing and structurally durable breast reconstruction. The goal of this article was to highlight important considerations in surgical planning and execution of immediate breast reconstruction so that an optimal outcome can be accomplished after either autologous or implant-based breast reconstruction.


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MeSH Term

Breast Neoplasms
Combined Modality Therapy
Neoadjuvant Therapy
Treatment Outcome

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0reconstructionbreastimmediatemustsurgeonplanningoutcomeABSTRACT:PerformingrequirescarefulconsiderationpreoperativeintraoperativepostoperativefactorsOnefundamentalnecessitieswell-coordinatedmultidisciplinaryteamachievesuccessfulCleareffectivecommunicationoncologicalplasticimperativetreatmentplantakeaccountpotentialneoadjuvantadjuvanttherapiesSurgicalincisionalapproachcarefullyconsideredoptimizesafeoncologicsurgeryensureviablereconstructiveFurthermorefundamentalsmetobtainaestheticallypleasingstructurallydurablegoalarticlehighlightimportantconsiderationssurgicalexecutionoptimalcanaccomplishedeitherautologousimplant-basedAchievingOptimalOutcomeImmediateBreastReconstruction

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