Simulation-based training in cardiology: State-of-the-art review from the French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology.
Théo Pezel, Augustin Coisne, Guillaume Bonnet, Raphael P Martins, Julien Adjedj, Loïc Bière, Benoit Lattuca, Stéphanie Turpeau, Batric Popovic, Fabrice Ivanes, Stéphane Lafitte, Jean Claude Deharo, Anne Bernard
Author Information
Théo Pezel: Department of Cardiology, Lariboisiere Hospital, AP-HP, Inserm UMRS 942, University of Paris, 75010 Paris, France; Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University, MD 21287-0409 Baltimore, USA; Ilumens Simulation Department, Paris Diderot University, 75010 Paris, France; French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France.
Augustin Coisne: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Department of Cardiovascular Explorations and Echocardiography-Heart Valve Clinic, CHU de Lille, 59000 Lille, France; Université de Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, U1011-EGID, 59000 Lille, France.
Guillaume Bonnet: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Université de Paris, PARCC, INSERM, 75015 Paris, France; Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Université de Paris, 75015 Paris, France.
Raphael P Martins: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Université de Rennes, CHU de Rennes, INSERM, LTSI-UMR 1099, 35000 Rennes, France.
Julien Adjedj: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Cardiology Department, Arnault Tzanck Institute, 06700 Saint-Laurent-du-Var, France.
Loïc Bière: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Service de Cardiologie, CHU de Angers, Université Angers, 49100 Angers, France.
Benoit Lattuca: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Cardiology Department, Nîmes University Hospital, Montpellier University, 30029 Nîmes, France.
Stéphanie Turpeau: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Pôle Cardiologie, Angiologie, Néphrologie, Endocrinologie, Centre Hospitalier d'Avignon, 84000 Avignon, France.
Batric Popovic: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Department of Cardiology, CHRU de Nancy, Université de Lorraine, 54000 Nancy, France.
Fabrice Ivanes: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Tours University, 37000 Tours, France; Cardiology Department, Tours University Hospital, 37000 Tours, France.
Stéphane Lafitte: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Cardiology Department, Bordeaux University Hospital, 33000 Bordeaux, France.
Jean Claude Deharo: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Service de cardiologie, hôpital de la Timone, 33000 Marseille, France.
Anne Bernard: French Commission of Simulation Teaching (Commission d'enseignement par simulation-COMSI) of the French Society of Cardiology, 75012 Paris, France; Tours University, 37000 Tours, France; Cardiology Department, Tours University Hospital, 37000 Tours, France. Electronic address:
In our healthcare system, mindful of patient safety and the reduction of medical errors, simulation-based training has emerged as the cornerstone of medical education, allowing quality training in complete safety for patients. Initiated by anaesthesiologists, this teaching mode effectively allows a gradual transfer of learning, and has become an essential tool in cardiology teaching. Cardiologists are embracing simulation to master complex techniques in interventional cardiology, to manage crisis situations and unusual complications and to develop medical teamwork. Simulation methods in cardiology include high-fidelity simulators, clinical scenarios, serious games, hybrid simulation and virtual reality. Simulation involves all fields of cardiology: transoesophageal echocardiography, cardiac catheterization, coronary angioplasty and electrophysiology. Beyond purely technical issues, simulation can also enhance communication skills, by using standardized patients, and can improve the management of situations related to the announcement of serious diseases. In this review of recent literature, we present existing simulation modalities, their applications in different fields of cardiology and their advantages and limitations. Finally, we detail the growing role for simulation in the teaching of medical students following the recent legal obligation to use simulation to evaluate medical students in France.