Effects of Different In-Season Strength Training Methods on Strength Gains and Water Polo Performance.

Manuel Santiago Martin, Fernando Pareja Blanco, Eduardo Saez De Villarreal
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PURPOSE: This study aimed to compare the effects of 5 different 18-week in-season strength training programs on strength gains and specific water polo performance.
METHODS: A total of 56 young male water polo players were randomly assigned to the following 5 training groups: dry-land strength training, in-water-specific strength training, combined (dry-land and in-water) strength training, ballistic training, and eccentric-overload training. Physical performance was assessed before (Pre) and after (Post) the training period using the following battery of tests: in-water boost and countermovement jump, muscle strength in bench-press and full-squat, throwing speed (ThS), in-water agility, and 20-m maximal sprint swim.
RESULTS: Significant group × time interactions were observed for countermovement jump and in-water boost. Eccentric-overload training showed significantly higher gains in ThS and bench-press and full-squat strength than the rest of the training groups. In addition, all training groups (except in-water-specific strength training) induced significant improvements (P ≤ .05) in countermovement jump, in-water boost, and bench-press and full-squat strength. All training groups significantly increased (P ≤ .001) ThS. Moreover, all training groups improved (P ≤ .05) in-water agility (except dry-land strength training) and swimming sprint performance (except in-water-specific strength training and ballistic training).
CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that the 18-week in-season strength training programs induced improvements in strength and specific water polo skills. The eccentric-overload training resulted in greater improvements in muscle strength (in both upper and lower body) and ThS than the other training methods examined in the study.


MeSH Term

Athletic Performance
Muscle Strength
Resistance Training

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0trainingstrengthin-waterboostThSgroupswaterpoloperformancedry-landin-water-specificcountermovementjumpbench-pressfull-squatagilitysprintexceptimprovementsPstudy518-weekin-seasonprogramsgainsspecificfollowingballisticeccentric-overloadmuscleswimsignificantlyinduced05StrengthPURPOSE:aimedcompareeffectsdifferentMETHODS:total56youngmaleplayersrandomlyassignedgroups:combinedPhysicalassessedPrePostperiodusingbatterytests:throwingspeed20-mmaximalRESULTS:Significantgroup×timeinteractionsobservedEccentric-overloadshowedhigherrestadditionsignificantincreased001MoreoverimprovedswimmingCONCLUSION:findingsindicateskillsresultedgreaterupperlowerbodymethodsexaminedEffectsDifferentIn-SeasonTrainingMethodsGainsWaterPoloPerformanceeccentricoverloadresistance

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