Biomaterials and 3D printing techniques used in the medical field.

Abhay Mishra, Vivek Srivastava
Author Information
  1. Abhay Mishra: Department of Mechanical Engineering, DIT University, Dehradun, India.
  2. Vivek Srivastava: Department of Mechanical Engineering, DIT University, Dehradun, India.


An implants' effectiveness depends upon the form of biomaterial used in its manufacture. A suitable material for implants should be biocompatible, sterile, mechanically stable and simple to shape. 3D printing technologies have been breaking new ground in the medical and medical industries in order to build patient-specific devices embedded in bioactive drugs, cells and proteins. Widespread use in medical 3D printing is a broad range of biomaterials including metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Continuous work and developments in biomaterials used in 3D printing have contributed to significant growth of 3D printing applications in the production of personalised joints, prostheses, medication delivery system and 3D tissue engineering and regenerative medicine scaffolds. The present analysis focuses on the biomaterials used for therapeutic applications in different 3D printing technologies. Many specific forms of medical 3D printing technology are explored in depth, including fused deposition modelling, extrusion-based bioprinting, inkjet and poly-jet printing processes, their therapeutic uses, various types of biomaterial used today and the major shortcoming , are being studied in depth.


MeSH Term

Biocompatible Materials
Printing, Three-Dimensional
Prostheses and Implants
Tissue Engineering


Biocompatible Materials

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.03Dprintingmedicalusedbiomaterialsbiomaterialtechnologiesincludingapplicationstherapeuticdepthimplants'effectivenessdependsuponformmanufacturesuitablematerialimplantsbiocompatiblesterilemechanicallystablesimpleshapebreakingnewgroundindustriesorderbuildpatient-specificdevicesembeddedbioactivedrugscellsproteinsWidespreadusebroadrangemetalsceramicspolymerscompositesContinuousworkdevelopmentscontributedsignificantgrowthproductionpersonalisedjointsprosthesesmedicationdeliverysystemtissueengineeringregenerativemedicinescaffoldspresentanalysisfocusesdifferentManyspecificformstechnologyexploredfuseddepositionmodellingextrusion-basedbioprintinginkjetpoly-jetprocessesusesvarioustypestodaymajorshortcomingstudiedBiomaterialstechniquesfieldtechniqueapplication

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