Amyloidosis from the patient perspective: the French daily impact of amyloidosis study.

Thibaud Damy, David Adams, Frank Bridoux, Gilles Grateau, Violaine Planté-Bordeneuve, Yves Ghiron, Agnès Farrugia, Françoise Pelcot, Charles Taieb, Céline Labeyrie, Arnaud Jaccard, Sophie Georgin-Lavialle
Author Information
  1. Thibaud Damy: Referral Centre for Cardiac Amyloidosis, GRC Amyloid Research Institute, Reseau amylase, Créteil, France.
  2. David Adams: Filière FILNEMUS.
  3. Frank Bridoux: Referral Center for AL amyloidosis, Limoges, France.
  4. Gilles Grateau: Filière FAI2R.
  5. Violaine Planté-Bordeneuve: Referral Centre for Cardiac Amyloidosis, GRC Amyloid Research Institute, Reseau amylase, Créteil, France.
  6. Yves Ghiron: Department of Cardiology, DHU A-TVB, CHU Henri Mondor, AP-HP, INSERM U955 and UPEC, Créteil, France.
  7. Agnès Farrugia: Association Française Contre l'Amylose, Marseille, France.
  8. Françoise Pelcot: Association Française Contre l'Amylose, Marseille, France.
  9. Charles Taieb: Emma-Clinic, Vincennes, France.
  10. Céline Labeyrie: Filière FILNEMUS.
  11. Arnaud Jaccard: Referral Center for AL amyloidosis, Limoges, France.
  12. Sophie Georgin-Lavialle: Filière FAI2R. ORCID


BACKGROUND: Amyloidosis is a complex group of rare conditions. For patients, amyloidosis is severely debilitating: physically and psychologically. Currently, data are lacking to evaluate the medical, economic, and social burden of systemic amyloidosis.
OBJECTIVE: To analyse the patient burden according to the main types of systemic amyloidosis.
METHODS: The French Daily Impact of Amyloidosis study was an observational, cross-sectional and non-interventional study. Adults diagnosed with light chain (AL), transthyretin (ATTR), amyloid A (AA) and other rare forms of amyloidosis were eligible. Data regarding amyloidosis prevalence, diagnosis, management, and impact on everyday life were collected using a study-specific survey built by the Association Française Contre l'Amylose (AFCA) and the four French National Referral Centres for Amyloidosis.
RESULTS: A total of 603 patients, predominantly male (65%) with an average age of 66.8 years, including 170 AL, 224 ATTRv, 109 ATTRwt and 25 AA amyloidosis patients, completed the study-specific survey. The median delay from presentation to confirmed diagnosis was 27.4 months but varied according to amyloidosis type. Patients before diagnosis had breathlessness (49%), tingling sensation (33%), pain (28%), difficulty in walking (28%) and weight loss (22%). Amyloidosis was most frequently suspected (49%) and confirmed (57%) in local hospitals but managed in French amyloidosis referral centres (58%). Patients often reported problems with mobility, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression, but not with self-care.
CONCLUSIONS: Systemic amyloidosis severely impacts daily life. The delay to confirmed amyloidosis diagnosis needs to be reduced. Early, effective treatment is required to optimise patient benefits.


MeSH Term

Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial
Cross-Sectional Studies
Immunoglobulin Light-chain Amyloidosis
Serum Amyloid A Protein


Serum Amyloid A Protein

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0amyloidosisAmyloidosisdiagnosisFrenchpatientspatientstudyALAAlifeconfirmedrareseverelyburdensystemicaccordingtransthyretinimpactstudy-specificsurveydelayPatients49%28%dailyBACKGROUND:complexgroupconditionsdebilitating:physicallypsychologicallyCurrentlydatalackingevaluatemedicaleconomicsocialOBJECTIVE:analysemaintypesMETHODS:DailyImpactobservationalcross-sectionalnon-interventionalAdultsdiagnosedlightchainATTRamyloidformseligibleDataregardingprevalencemanagementeverydaycollectedusingbuiltAssociationFrançaiseContrel'AmyloseAFCAfourNationalReferralCentresRESULTS:total603predominantlymale65%averageage668 yearsincluding170224ATTRv109ATTRwt25completedmedianpresentation274 monthsvariedtypebreathlessnesstinglingsensation33%paindifficultywalkingweightloss22%frequentlysuspected57%localhospitalsmanagedreferralcentres58%oftenreportedproblemsmobilityusualactivitiespain/discomfortanxiety/depressionself-careCONCLUSIONS:SystemicimpactsneedsreducedEarlyeffectivetreatmentrequiredoptimisebenefitsperspective:durationquality

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