Frequency of measuring body weight in (sub)populations of patients with cancer treated with chemotherapy.

Shirley Kemps, Mostafa Soleyman, Harmen Huls, Mariette Labots, Mirjam Crul
Author Information
  1. Shirley Kemps: Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  2. Mostafa Soleyman: Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  3. Harmen Huls: Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  4. Mariette Labots: Department of Medical Oncology, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  5. Mirjam Crul: Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ORCID


OBJECTIVES: Most cytostatics used in cancer treatment are dosed on body surface area (BSA). To administer an appropriate dose it is therefore necessary to know the patient's correct body weight. However, evidence is lacking on how often, after initiation of treatment, body weight should be measured to recalculate BSA. We aimed to assess the relevance of weight measurements during chemotherapy treatment.
METHODS: Over a 2 year period we analysed BSA changes in adult patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. The frequency of and median time to ���10%���BSA change was determined. We assumed a 10% BSA change required dose adjustment and was therefore clinically relevant.
RESULTS: Using a database query, data from 2276 patients were used for descriptive statistics, life table analyses and generalised estimating equations. The frequency of ���10%���BSA change occurred in a maximum of 7.6% of the patients, depending on the tumour type. Descriptive statistics in the indications with more than 100 patients showed that BSA changes of ���10% occurred after 84 days. The groups with the earliest BSA changes were patients with acute leukaemia, lymphoma and pancreatic cancer.
CONCLUSIONS: Our observations from real-world data indicate it is safe to omit the current requirement for monthly weight measurements. We advise that during chemotherapy, measuring the body weight in patients who have acute leukaemia, lymphoma or pancreatic cancer or who are under 20 years of age, should be performed at least every 3���months. For other patients, extending this period to a 6-monthly weight measurement should be considered.



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MeSH Term

Body Weight
Body Surface Area
Pancreatic Neoplasms

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0weightpatientsBSAbodycancerchemotherapychangestreatmentmeasurementschangeuseddosethereforeperiodfrequency���10%���BSAdatastatisticsoccurredacuteleukaemialymphomapancreaticmeasuringOBJECTIVES:cytostaticsdosedsurfaceareaadministerappropriatenecessaryknowpatient'scorrectHoweverevidencelackingofteninitiationmeasuredrecalculateaimedassessrelevanceMETHODS:2yearanalysedadultundergoingmediantimedeterminedassumed10%requiredadjustmentclinicallyrelevantRESULTS:Usingdatabasequery2276descriptivelifetableanalysesgeneralisedestimatingequationsmaximum76%dependingtumourtypeDescriptiveindications100showed���10%84daysgroupsearliestCONCLUSIONS:observationsreal-worldindicatesafeomitcurrentrequirementmonthlyadvise20yearsageperformedleastevery3���monthsextending6-monthlymeasurementconsideredFrequencysubpopulationstreated

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