COVID-19 vaccine roll-out at the community level in developing countries: Lessons learnt from Cross River State, Nigeria.

Chisom Emeka, Betta Edu, Janet Ekpenyong, Biniam Getachew, Joy Chabo, Umar Pella Abdurhaman, Nyambu Bernard Ntui, Ephraim Chukwu, Nsa Ekpenyong
Author Information
  1. Chisom Emeka: World Health Organization, Calabar, Cross River State field Office, Nigeria.
  2. Betta Edu: Commissioner for Health, Cross River State Ministry of Health, Calabar, Nigeria.
  3. Janet Ekpenyong: Cross River State Primary Health Care Development Agency, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
  4. Biniam Getachew: World Health Organization, Calabar, Cross River State field Office, Nigeria.
  5. Joy Chabo: Cross River State Primary Health Care Development Agency, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
  6. Umar Pella Abdurhaman: World Health Organization, Calabar, Cross River State field Office, Nigeria.
  7. Nyambu Bernard Ntui: World Health Organization, Calabar, Cross River State field Office, Nigeria.
  8. Ephraim Chukwu: United Nations Children's Fund, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
  9. Nsa Ekpenyong: Cross River State Primary Health Care Development Agency, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.


Since the first COVID-19 case was reported in Nigeria in February 2020, the Country's effort to curb the surge in cases and protect people from the disease was undeniable, as does Cross River State (CRS). Using document revision, we illustrate the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Cross River State, Nigeria. The State recorded its first COVID-19 cases on June 29, 2020. COVID-19 vaccination commenced in the State on March 11, 2021. The pandemic response was led by the COVID -19 taskforce constituted by the Government of CRS in March 2020 to ensure effective response to effective response to the pandemic. Intensified advocacy, communication and social mobilization activities, mainly community engagement, were conducted to minimize vaccine hesitancy. A chain of responsibilities was observed in vaccine management and logistics. The State carried out a successful rollout of the first phase of COVID-19 vaccination, including refugees' vaccination and management of AEFI. This commentary aims to share the experience and lessons learned in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine in Cross River State, Nigeria. This paper will guide policymakers in developing countries.



  1. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Jun 17;17(12): [PMID: 32560363]


  1. 001/World Health Organization

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0COVID-19StatevaccineNigeriaCrossRivervaccinationfirst2020responsecasesCRSrolloutMarchpandemiceffectivecommunitymanagementdevelopingroll-outVaccineSincecasereportedFebruaryCountry'seffortcurbsurgeprotectpeoplediseaseundeniableUsingdocumentrevisionillustraterecordedJune29commenced112021ledCOVID-19taskforceconstitutedGovernmentensureIntensifiedadvocacycommunicationsocialmobilizationactivitiesmainlyengagementconductedminimizehesitancychainresponsibilitiesobservedlogisticscarriedsuccessfulphaseincludingrefugees'AEFIcommentaryaimsshareexperiencelessonslearnedrollingpaperwillguidepolicymakerscountrieslevelcountries:LessonslearntVaccination

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