Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, update July, August and September 2022.

Steven G E Marsh, WHO Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System
Author Information
  1. Steven G E Marsh: Anthony Nolan Research Institute, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.
  2. : Anthony Nolan Research Institute, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.


No abstract text available.


  1. Marsh SGE. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, update April, May and June 2022. HLA. 2022;100(4):409-454.
  2. Marsh SGE, Albert ED, Bodmer WF, et al. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2010. Tissue Antigens. 2010;75(4):291-455.
  3. Robinson J, Barker DJ, Georgiou X, Cooper MA, Flicek P, Marsh SGE. IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020;48(D1):D948-D955.
  4. Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Detection of an HLA-A*02 variant, HLA-A*02:99:01, in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):144-145.
  5. Chi X, Liu L, Jiao S, Pang S. The genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-A*02:344 allele, identified by full-length group-specific sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):254-256.
  6. An R, Hu B, Jiao S, Pang S. Genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-A*02:406 allele was identified by full-length group-specific sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):256-258.
  7. Shi XM, Hu RP, Li PT, Han W, Gao SJ. Identification of the novel HLA-A*02:981 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):142-143.
  8. Kumar P, Shah S, Chaudhary A, Thakker NC, Kumar H. Genomic sequence of the HLA-A*11:01:54 allele identified by next-generation sequencing in a transplant donor. HLA. 2022;100(2):146-148.
  9. Shi XM, Li PT, Hu RP, Han W, Gao SJ. Recognition of the HLA-A*11:398 allele in a Chinese patient and his sister. HLA. 2022;100(3):258-260.
  10. Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Characterization of the novel HLA-A allele, A*24:02:01:111 in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):148-149.
  11. Thakker NC, Chaudhary A, Kumar H, Shah S, Kumar P. The novel HLA-A*24:49:02 and HLA-DQB1*06:428 alleles identified in Indian bone marrow donors. HLA. 2022;100(2):150-151.
  12. Shi XM, Li PT, Hu RP, Han W, Gao SJ. Recognization of the HLA-A*24:516 allele in a Chinese patient and his daughter. HLA. 2022;100(2):151-153.
  13. Jang J, Hong JY, Jung S, Lee J, Park Y. Identification of the novel HLA-A*26:01:75 allele using next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):260-261.
  14. Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. HLA-A*26:35, a variant of HLA-A*26, detected in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):153-155.
  15. Hernandez Mejia DG, Camacho Ramirez N, Mosquera Martinez M, Cendales PA, Camacho BA. The novel HLA-A*30:172 allele identified in a donor from the Colombian bone marrow donor registry. HLA. 2022;100(2):155-156.
  16. Azzarone R, Scimitarra M, Fracassi D, Scacchi S, Papola F. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*31:11:02 allele by next generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):157-158.
  17. Aldosari MA, Matyuri AS, Alghamdi M, Alkhaibari A, Hajeer AH. Identification of the novel HLA-A*74:03:03 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):361-362.
  18. Baek IC, Choi EJ, Kim HJ, Kim TG. The HLA-B*07:457 allele identified in a volunteer donor for hematopoietic stem cell transplant. HLA. 2022;100(4):362-364.
  19. Rajak J, Tambe M, Phuntsok T, D'Silva SZ, Singh M. The novel HLA-B*07:461 allele and confirmation of the HLA-C*15:193 allele in individuals from Eastern India. HLA. 2022;100(3):262-263.
  20. Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. HLA-B*13:01:01:09, a variant of HLA-B*13:01:01:01, detected in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(3):263-264.
  21. Shi XM, Hu RP, Li PT, Han W, Gao SJ. Identification of the novel allele HLA-B*13:157 by sequence-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(3):265-266.
  22. Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-B*13:173 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):364-365.
  23. Chaudhary A, Thakker NC, Buch H, Shah S, Kumar P. Genomic sequence of the HLA-B*15:01:02 and HLA-C*08:72:01 alleles identified in Gujarati individuals. HLA. 2022;100(3):267-268.
  24. Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Detection of the HLA-B*15:01:74 allele, an HLA-B*15 variant discovered in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):365-366.
  25. Shi XM, Li PT, Hu RP, Han W, Gao SJ. Characterization of the novel allele HLA-B*35:251:02. HLA. 2022;100(3):268-270.
  26. Zhang ZX, Zheng ZZ, An L, Du KM, Liu R. The novel HLA-B*35:501 allele, identified by sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):367-368.
  27. Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Discovery of a novel HLA-B*40 allele, HLA-B*40:02:01:30 in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):368-369.
  28. Shi XM, Hu RP, Li PT, Han W, Gao SJ. Sequence-based typing identification of the novel allele HLA-B*40:482. HLA. 2022;100(3):270-271.
  29. Cargou M, Elsermans V, Top I, Wojciechowski E, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*44:03:62 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):158-160.
  30. Maria L, Daria S, Svetlana D, Igor P. Genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-B*44:348 allele was identified by next generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):160-161.
  31. Wang F, Wang W, Dong L, He J, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-B*46:83 allele by sequencing-based typing in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):161-163.
  32. Ji X, Luo C, Wang J, Chen Q, Zhong L. Detection of a novel HLA-B allele, HLA-B*48:54 in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(3):272-273.
  33. Nino Ramirez JE, Balas A, Balanzategui A, Terradillos P, Tejeda VA. Identification and characterization of the novel HLA-B*49:78 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):370-371.
  34. Wang F, He Y, Shu C, He J, Zhu F. The novel HLA-B*51:01:83 allele was identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):163-165.
  35. Loginova M, Smirnova D, Druzhinina S, Paramonov I, Zarubin M. Characterization of two new alleles: HLA-B*51:363 and HLA-DRB1*13:322 N. HLA. 2022;100(2):165-166.
  36. Ingrassia F, Pecoraro A, Blando M, Corica AA, Cappuzzo V. Identification of the novel HLA-B*51:367 allele in a cord blood donor by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):372-374.
  37. Liu L, Han B, Jiao S, Pang S. Genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-B*52:100 allele, identified by full-length group-specific sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):167-169.
  38. Lee J, Hong JY, Jung S, Lee J, Park Y. Identification of the novel HLA-B*56:01:18 allele using next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):274-275.
  39. Shi XM, Li PT, Hu RP, Han W, Gao SJ. Detection of an HLA-C*01 variant, HLA-C*01:212, in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(3):275-277.
  40. Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Full-length sequence of a novel HLA-C*03:03:01 allele, HLA-C*03:03:01:54 identified in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):374-375.
  41. Zhao S, Chen N, He Y, Zhang W, Zhu F. The novel HLA-C allele, HLA-C*03:537 in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):376-377.
  42. Zhao S, Chen N, He Y, He J, Zhu F. The novel HLA-C allele, C*03:538 was identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):378-379.
  43. Loginova M, Smirnova D, Paramonov I. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*03:598 allele. HLA. 2022;100(3):277-278.
  44. Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Detection of the novel HLA-C*06:02:01:62 allele by next-generation sequencing in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):379-380.
  45. Dong L, Fu R, Wang F, Zhang W, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-C*06:318 allele by next-generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):381-382.
  46. Yang JJ, Kwon OJ, Oh HB. The novel HLA-C*06:325 allele identified in a Korean individual awaiting kidney transplantation. HLA. 2022;100(2):169-170.
  47. Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Genomic sequencing of the novel HLA-C*07:02:01:107 allele by next-generation sequencing in two Japanese individuals. HLA. 2022;100(4):383-384.
  48. Gatouillat G, Tonye-Libyh M, Tabary T, Pham BN, Giusti D. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*07:1001 N allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):384-385.
  49. Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-C*08:03:05 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):386-387.
  50. Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-C*08:22:02 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):171-172.
  51. Gao SQ, Zhong YP, Pen L, Ye XL. Discovery of the HLA-C*08:99 allele in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(3):278-280.
  52. Luo C, Ji X, Liu Z, Chen Q, Wang J. Identification of a novel HLA-C*08 allele, HLA-C*08:242 in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):172-174.
  53. Ocejo-Vinyals JG, Cianca E, Arroyo JL, Vicario JL, Balas A. Identification of the novel HLA-C*08:243 allele in a Spanish bone marrow donor. HLA. 2022;100(3):280-281.
  54. Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Full genomic sequence of the novel HLA-C*14:132 allele identified using next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):281-282.
  55. Shi XM, Hu RP, Li PT, Han W, Gao SJ. A novel HLA-C allele, HLA-C*15:244. HLA. 2022;100(3):283-284.
  56. Loginova M, Druzhinina S, Ivan O, Paramonov I, Zarubin M. The HLA-C*15:250 allele identified in a volunteer bone marrow donor. HLA. 2022;100(2):174-176.
  57. Abu-Khader A, Gareau AJ, Burns C, Khan F, Berka N. Next-generation sequencing identifies two novel HLA class II alleles, HLA-DRB1*01:115 and HLA-DRB1*14:224. HLA. 2022;100(2):176-177.
  58. Shin KH, Lee HJ, Kim HH, Oh SH. The novel HLA-DRB1*01:129 allele identified in a kidney transplant recipient. HLA. 2022;100(2):178-179.
  59. Yang KL, Tan T, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*07:136 allele in a Taiwanese patient. HLA. 2022;100(3):285-286.
  60. Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*08:113 allele in a Taiwanese bone marrow donor. HLA. 2022;100(3):287-288.
  61. Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*09:31:02 allele in a College of American Pathologists HLA Survey specimen. HLA. 2022;100(3):288-289.
  62. Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:01:47 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):387-388.
  63. Giustiniani P, Troiano M, Bianculli AG, Testa G, Andreani M. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:04:21 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):179-180.
  64. Chen N, Zhang W, Xu X, He J, Zhu F. The novel HLA-DRB1*12:01:10 allele was identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):389-390.
  65. Long H, Wu L, Jiao L, Zhou Y, Zhou J. The novel HLA-DRB1*12:96 allele was likely generated by recombination between DRB1*12:01 and DRB1*14:01. HLA. 2022;100(3):290-291.
  66. Baek IC, Choi EJ, Kim HJ, Kim TG. The HLA-DRB1*12:97 allele identified in a volunteer donor for hematopoietic stem cell transplant. HLA. 2022;100(4):391-392.
  67. Tambe M, Pinto A, D'Silva SZ, Singh M. Identification of the novel HLA allele, HLA-DRB1*14:50:02, in an individual from southern India. HLA. 2022;100(4):392-393.
  68. Liacini A, Dadkhodaie F, Peters L, Mathew L, Geier S. Full genomic sequence of the HLA-DRB3*02:22:01 allele by single molecule real-time sequencing technology. HLA. 2022;100(4):394-396.
  69. Le Mene M, Villemonteix J, Jorge-Cordeiro D, Caillat-Zucman S. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQA1*01:81 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):181-182.
  70. Bost C, Cargou M, Fort M, Congy-Jolivet N, Bouthemy C. Identification of the novel HLA-DQA1*01:82 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):183-184.
  71. Marin Rubio LA, Rada Martinez R, Ontanon RJ. Four novel HLA-Class II alleles: DQA1*03:31, DQB1*05:01:01:19, DPA1*02:01:01:20 and DPA1*02:01:01:28, characterized in Spanish individuals. HLA. 2022;100(3):292-293.
  72. Cargou M, Andreani M, Troiano M, Ralazamahaleo M, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQA1*05:53 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):396-397.
  73. Cargou M, Elsermans V, Top I, Guidicelli G, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQB1*02:197 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):184-186.
  74. Cargou M, Elsermans V, Top I, Ralazamahaleo M, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQB1*02:200 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):398-399.
  75. Alzahrani M, Alanazi H, Alshubaili A, Alanazi A, Hajeer AH. Identification of the novel HLA-DQB1*03:483 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):400-401.
  76. Balas A, Moreno-Hidalgo MA, Alenda R, Garcia-Sanchez F, Vicario JL. Sequencing of a novel HLA-DQB1 allele, DQB1*04:02:01:16Q, with a mutation in the intron 3 donor splicing site. HLA. 2022;100(4):401-402.
  77. Ananeva A, Nizamov S, Gaifullina R, Shagimardanova E. The novel HLA-DQB1 allele, HLA-DQB1*04:72, detected in a potential hematopoietic stem cell donor. HLA. 2022;100(3):293-295.
  78. Zhang W, Dong L, Chen N, He J, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-DQB1*04:85 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):295-296.
  79. Loginova M, Svetlana D, Daria S, Paramonov I. Recognition of an HLA-DQB1*06:319 variant, HLA-DQB1*06:319:02, in an hematopoietic stem cell donor. HLA. 2022;100(3):297-298.
  80. Loeser E, Hallensleben M, Bernheiden M, Rakhmanov M, Emmerich F. The novel HLA-DQB1*06 null allele, HLA-DQB1*06:423 N, identified in a volunteer blood donor. HLA. 2022;100(2):186-188.
  81. Tiziana G, Maria PR, Giuseppe T, Andrea DL, Marco A. Identification of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:88 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):405-406.
  82. Cargou M, Andreani M, Battarra M, Wojciechowski E, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:03:40 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):403-404.
  83. Cargou M, Elsermans V, Top I, Ralazamahaleo M, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPB1*02:01:63 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):406-408.
  84. Wang X, Wang J, Zhang Y, Li Q. Identification of the novel HLA-DPB1*1289:01 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):188-189.

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