Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, update July, August and September 2022.
Steven G E Marsh, WHO Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System
Author Information
- Steven G E Marsh: Anthony Nolan Research Institute, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.
- : Anthony Nolan Research Institute, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.
No abstract text available.
- Marsh SGE. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, update April, May and June 2022. HLA. 2022;100(4):409-454.
- Marsh SGE, Albert ED, Bodmer WF, et al. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2010. Tissue Antigens. 2010;75(4):291-455.
- Robinson J, Barker DJ, Georgiou X, Cooper MA, Flicek P, Marsh SGE. IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020;48(D1):D948-D955.
- Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Detection of an HLA-A*02 variant, HLA-A*02:99:01, in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):144-145.
- Chi X, Liu L, Jiao S, Pang S. The genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-A*02:344 allele, identified by full-length group-specific sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):254-256.
- An R, Hu B, Jiao S, Pang S. Genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-A*02:406 allele was identified by full-length group-specific sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):256-258.
- Shi XM, Hu RP, Li PT, Han W, Gao SJ. Identification of the novel HLA-A*02:981 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):142-143.
- Kumar P, Shah S, Chaudhary A, Thakker NC, Kumar H. Genomic sequence of the HLA-A*11:01:54 allele identified by next-generation sequencing in a transplant donor. HLA. 2022;100(2):146-148.
- Shi XM, Li PT, Hu RP, Han W, Gao SJ. Recognition of the HLA-A*11:398 allele in a Chinese patient and his sister. HLA. 2022;100(3):258-260.
- Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Characterization of the novel HLA-A allele, A*24:02:01:111 in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):148-149.
- Thakker NC, Chaudhary A, Kumar H, Shah S, Kumar P. The novel HLA-A*24:49:02 and HLA-DQB1*06:428 alleles identified in Indian bone marrow donors. HLA. 2022;100(2):150-151.
- Shi XM, Li PT, Hu RP, Han W, Gao SJ. Recognization of the HLA-A*24:516 allele in a Chinese patient and his daughter. HLA. 2022;100(2):151-153.
- Jang J, Hong JY, Jung S, Lee J, Park Y. Identification of the novel HLA-A*26:01:75 allele using next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):260-261.
- Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. HLA-A*26:35, a variant of HLA-A*26, detected in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):153-155.
- Hernandez Mejia DG, Camacho Ramirez N, Mosquera Martinez M, Cendales PA, Camacho BA. The novel HLA-A*30:172 allele identified in a donor from the Colombian bone marrow donor registry. HLA. 2022;100(2):155-156.
- Azzarone R, Scimitarra M, Fracassi D, Scacchi S, Papola F. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*31:11:02 allele by next generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):157-158.
- Aldosari MA, Matyuri AS, Alghamdi M, Alkhaibari A, Hajeer AH. Identification of the novel HLA-A*74:03:03 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):361-362.
- Baek IC, Choi EJ, Kim HJ, Kim TG. The HLA-B*07:457 allele identified in a volunteer donor for hematopoietic stem cell transplant. HLA. 2022;100(4):362-364.
- Rajak J, Tambe M, Phuntsok T, D'Silva SZ, Singh M. The novel HLA-B*07:461 allele and confirmation of the HLA-C*15:193 allele in individuals from Eastern India. HLA. 2022;100(3):262-263.
- Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. HLA-B*13:01:01:09, a variant of HLA-B*13:01:01:01, detected in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(3):263-264.
- Shi XM, Hu RP, Li PT, Han W, Gao SJ. Identification of the novel allele HLA-B*13:157 by sequence-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(3):265-266.
- Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-B*13:173 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):364-365.
- Chaudhary A, Thakker NC, Buch H, Shah S, Kumar P. Genomic sequence of the HLA-B*15:01:02 and HLA-C*08:72:01 alleles identified in Gujarati individuals. HLA. 2022;100(3):267-268.
- Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Detection of the HLA-B*15:01:74 allele, an HLA-B*15 variant discovered in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):365-366.
- Shi XM, Li PT, Hu RP, Han W, Gao SJ. Characterization of the novel allele HLA-B*35:251:02. HLA. 2022;100(3):268-270.
- Zhang ZX, Zheng ZZ, An L, Du KM, Liu R. The novel HLA-B*35:501 allele, identified by sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):367-368.
- Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Discovery of a novel HLA-B*40 allele, HLA-B*40:02:01:30 in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):368-369.
- Shi XM, Hu RP, Li PT, Han W, Gao SJ. Sequence-based typing identification of the novel allele HLA-B*40:482. HLA. 2022;100(3):270-271.
- Cargou M, Elsermans V, Top I, Wojciechowski E, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*44:03:62 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):158-160.
- Maria L, Daria S, Svetlana D, Igor P. Genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-B*44:348 allele was identified by next generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):160-161.
- Wang F, Wang W, Dong L, He J, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-B*46:83 allele by sequencing-based typing in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):161-163.
- Ji X, Luo C, Wang J, Chen Q, Zhong L. Detection of a novel HLA-B allele, HLA-B*48:54 in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(3):272-273.
- Nino Ramirez JE, Balas A, Balanzategui A, Terradillos P, Tejeda VA. Identification and characterization of the novel HLA-B*49:78 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):370-371.
- Wang F, He Y, Shu C, He J, Zhu F. The novel HLA-B*51:01:83 allele was identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):163-165.
- Loginova M, Smirnova D, Druzhinina S, Paramonov I, Zarubin M. Characterization of two new alleles: HLA-B*51:363 and HLA-DRB1*13:322 N. HLA. 2022;100(2):165-166.
- Ingrassia F, Pecoraro A, Blando M, Corica AA, Cappuzzo V. Identification of the novel HLA-B*51:367 allele in a cord blood donor by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):372-374.
- Liu L, Han B, Jiao S, Pang S. Genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-B*52:100 allele, identified by full-length group-specific sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):167-169.
- Lee J, Hong JY, Jung S, Lee J, Park Y. Identification of the novel HLA-B*56:01:18 allele using next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):274-275.
- Shi XM, Li PT, Hu RP, Han W, Gao SJ. Detection of an HLA-C*01 variant, HLA-C*01:212, in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(3):275-277.
- Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Full-length sequence of a novel HLA-C*03:03:01 allele, HLA-C*03:03:01:54 identified in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):374-375.
- Zhao S, Chen N, He Y, Zhang W, Zhu F. The novel HLA-C allele, HLA-C*03:537 in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):376-377.
- Zhao S, Chen N, He Y, He J, Zhu F. The novel HLA-C allele, C*03:538 was identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):378-379.
- Loginova M, Smirnova D, Paramonov I. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*03:598 allele. HLA. 2022;100(3):277-278.
- Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Detection of the novel HLA-C*06:02:01:62 allele by next-generation sequencing in a Japanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):379-380.
- Dong L, Fu R, Wang F, Zhang W, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-C*06:318 allele by next-generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):381-382.
- Yang JJ, Kwon OJ, Oh HB. The novel HLA-C*06:325 allele identified in a Korean individual awaiting kidney transplantation. HLA. 2022;100(2):169-170.
- Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Genomic sequencing of the novel HLA-C*07:02:01:107 allele by next-generation sequencing in two Japanese individuals. HLA. 2022;100(4):383-384.
- Gatouillat G, Tonye-Libyh M, Tabary T, Pham BN, Giusti D. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*07:1001 N allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):384-385.
- Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-C*08:03:05 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):386-387.
- Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-C*08:22:02 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):171-172.
- Gao SQ, Zhong YP, Pen L, Ye XL. Discovery of the HLA-C*08:99 allele in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(3):278-280.
- Luo C, Ji X, Liu Z, Chen Q, Wang J. Identification of a novel HLA-C*08 allele, HLA-C*08:242 in a Chinese individual. HLA. 2022;100(2):172-174.
- Ocejo-Vinyals JG, Cianca E, Arroyo JL, Vicario JL, Balas A. Identification of the novel HLA-C*08:243 allele in a Spanish bone marrow donor. HLA. 2022;100(3):280-281.
- Khor SS, Omae Y, Tokunaga K. Full genomic sequence of the novel HLA-C*14:132 allele identified using next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):281-282.
- Shi XM, Hu RP, Li PT, Han W, Gao SJ. A novel HLA-C allele, HLA-C*15:244. HLA. 2022;100(3):283-284.
- Loginova M, Druzhinina S, Ivan O, Paramonov I, Zarubin M. The HLA-C*15:250 allele identified in a volunteer bone marrow donor. HLA. 2022;100(2):174-176.
- Abu-Khader A, Gareau AJ, Burns C, Khan F, Berka N. Next-generation sequencing identifies two novel HLA class II alleles, HLA-DRB1*01:115 and HLA-DRB1*14:224. HLA. 2022;100(2):176-177.
- Shin KH, Lee HJ, Kim HH, Oh SH. The novel HLA-DRB1*01:129 allele identified in a kidney transplant recipient. HLA. 2022;100(2):178-179.
- Yang KL, Tan T, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*07:136 allele in a Taiwanese patient. HLA. 2022;100(3):285-286.
- Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*08:113 allele in a Taiwanese bone marrow donor. HLA. 2022;100(3):287-288.
- Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*09:31:02 allele in a College of American Pathologists HLA Survey specimen. HLA. 2022;100(3):288-289.
- Yang KL, Li CC, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:01:47 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. 2022;100(4):387-388.
- Giustiniani P, Troiano M, Bianculli AG, Testa G, Andreani M. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:04:21 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):179-180.
- Chen N, Zhang W, Xu X, He J, Zhu F. The novel HLA-DRB1*12:01:10 allele was identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):389-390.
- Long H, Wu L, Jiao L, Zhou Y, Zhou J. The novel HLA-DRB1*12:96 allele was likely generated by recombination between DRB1*12:01 and DRB1*14:01. HLA. 2022;100(3):290-291.
- Baek IC, Choi EJ, Kim HJ, Kim TG. The HLA-DRB1*12:97 allele identified in a volunteer donor for hematopoietic stem cell transplant. HLA. 2022;100(4):391-392.
- Tambe M, Pinto A, D'Silva SZ, Singh M. Identification of the novel HLA allele, HLA-DRB1*14:50:02, in an individual from southern India. HLA. 2022;100(4):392-393.
- Liacini A, Dadkhodaie F, Peters L, Mathew L, Geier S. Full genomic sequence of the HLA-DRB3*02:22:01 allele by single molecule real-time sequencing technology. HLA. 2022;100(4):394-396.
- Le Mene M, Villemonteix J, Jorge-Cordeiro D, Caillat-Zucman S. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQA1*01:81 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):181-182.
- Bost C, Cargou M, Fort M, Congy-Jolivet N, Bouthemy C. Identification of the novel HLA-DQA1*01:82 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):183-184.
- Marin Rubio LA, Rada Martinez R, Ontanon RJ. Four novel HLA-Class II alleles: DQA1*03:31, DQB1*05:01:01:19, DPA1*02:01:01:20 and DPA1*02:01:01:28, characterized in Spanish individuals. HLA. 2022;100(3):292-293.
- Cargou M, Andreani M, Troiano M, Ralazamahaleo M, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQA1*05:53 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):396-397.
- Cargou M, Elsermans V, Top I, Guidicelli G, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQB1*02:197 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(2):184-186.
- Cargou M, Elsermans V, Top I, Ralazamahaleo M, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQB1*02:200 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):398-399.
- Alzahrani M, Alanazi H, Alshubaili A, Alanazi A, Hajeer AH. Identification of the novel HLA-DQB1*03:483 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):400-401.
- Balas A, Moreno-Hidalgo MA, Alenda R, Garcia-Sanchez F, Vicario JL. Sequencing of a novel HLA-DQB1 allele, DQB1*04:02:01:16Q, with a mutation in the intron 3 donor splicing site. HLA. 2022;100(4):401-402.
- Ananeva A, Nizamov S, Gaifullina R, Shagimardanova E. The novel HLA-DQB1 allele, HLA-DQB1*04:72, detected in a potential hematopoietic stem cell donor. HLA. 2022;100(3):293-295.
- Zhang W, Dong L, Chen N, He J, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-DQB1*04:85 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(3):295-296.
- Loginova M, Svetlana D, Daria S, Paramonov I. Recognition of an HLA-DQB1*06:319 variant, HLA-DQB1*06:319:02, in an hematopoietic stem cell donor. HLA. 2022;100(3):297-298.
- Loeser E, Hallensleben M, Bernheiden M, Rakhmanov M, Emmerich F. The novel HLA-DQB1*06 null allele, HLA-DQB1*06:423 N, identified in a volunteer blood donor. HLA. 2022;100(2):186-188.
- Tiziana G, Maria PR, Giuseppe T, Andrea DL, Marco A. Identification of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:88 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(4):405-406.
- Cargou M, Andreani M, Battarra M, Wojciechowski E, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:03:40 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):403-404.
- Cargou M, Elsermans V, Top I, Ralazamahaleo M, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPB1*02:01:63 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. 2022;100(4):406-408.
- Wang X, Wang J, Zhang Y, Li Q. Identification of the novel HLA-DPB1*1289:01 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. 2022;100(2):188-189.
HLA Antigens