Geographical diversification using ETFs: Multinational evidence from COVID-19 pandemic.

Hamed Yousefi, Mohammad Najand
Author Information
  1. Hamed Yousefi: Department of Finance, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University, USA.
  2. Mohammad Najand: Department of Finance, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University, USA.


We examine the relations between dollar flows of U.S. listed ETFs with exposure to the U.S., Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world following an emergency like the COVID-19 crisis. Using a Markov Switching Model (MSVAR), we find evidence that investors use ETFs to gain exposure to foreign markets and swiftly adjust their portfolio's allocation in response to the change in the number of COVID-19 infected people in every location. We further extend our study to ETFs listed in the U.S., Europe, and Asia and investigate the change in foreign and domestic money flow, before and after the pandemic. We show that investors around the world rebalance their portfolios by monitoring the countries' performance in controlling the pandemic. Our findings show that while investors in the U.S. and Asian countries direct their money to domestic funds and reduce their foreign investment following the pandemic, European investors increase foreign investment and reduce home bias. This is consistent with the flight-to-safety effect when investors shift their asset allocation away from riskier investments (here riskier locations) and into safer ones during the adverse economic shock.



  1. J Behav Exp Finance. 2020 Sep;27:100341 [PMID: 32427215]
  2. Int Rev Financ Anal. 2021 Oct;77:101820 [PMID: 36570865]
  3. Int Rev Financ Anal. 2020 Jul;70:101496 [PMID: 38620230]
  4. Financ Res Lett. 2020 Jul;35:101554 [PMID: 38620241]

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0investorsUSCOVID-19foreignpandemicETFslistedexposureEuropeAsiaworldfollowingMarkovevidenceallocationchangedomesticmoneyshowreduceinvestmentbiasriskierdiversificationexaminerelationsdollarflowsrestemergencylikecrisisUsingSwitchingModelMSVARfindusegainmarketsswiftlyadjustportfolio'sresponsenumberinfectedpeopleeverylocationextendstudyinvestigateflowaroundrebalanceportfoliosmonitoringcountries'performancecontrollingfindingsAsiancountriesdirectfundsEuropeanincreasehomeconsistentflight-to-safetyeffectshiftassetawayinvestmentslocationssaferonesadverseeconomicshockGeographicalusingETFs:MultinationalFlightsafetyHomeInternationalswitchingmodelPandemic

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