Policy design for territorial equity in multi-level and multi-sectoral political systems: Comparing health and education strategies.

Paul Cairney, Sean Kippin, Emily St Denny, Heather Mitchell
Author Information
  1. Paul Cairney: University of Stirling - History, Heritage, and Politics UK. ORCID
  2. Sean Kippin: University of Stirling - History, Heritage, and Politics UK. ORCID
  3. Emily St Denny: Department of Political Science University of Copenhagen Denmark. ORCID
  4. Heather Mitchell: University of Stirling - History, Heritage, and Politics UK.


The EU has many plans to foster equity and spatial justice. However, each has separate reference points, and it is difficult to find an overall vision. To demonstrate, we analyse two sectoral strategies to identify their implications for spatial justice strategies. Education focuses on early investment and public service reform. Health prioritises intersectoral action to address the 'social determinants' beyond the control of health services. Both warn against equating territorial cohesion or spatial justice with equal access to public services. These findings could inform European Commission strategy, but it tends to respond with renewed rhetoric rather than reconsidering its approach.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0spatialjusticeequitystrategiesterritorialpublicHealthhealthserviceseducationEUmanyplansfosterHoweverseparatereferencepointsdifficultfindoverallvisiondemonstrateanalysetwosectoralidentifyimplicationsEducationfocusesearlyinvestmentservicereformprioritisesintersectoralactionaddress'socialdeterminants'beyondcontrolwarnequatingcohesionequalaccessfindingsinformEuropeanCommissionstrategytendsrespondrenewedrhetoricratherreconsideringapproachPolicydesignmulti-levelmulti-sectoralpoliticalsystems:ComparingPoliciesinequalities

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