Multi-user upper limb rehabilitation training system integrating social interaction.

Hui Liang, Shiqing Liu, Yi Wang, Junjun Pan, Yazhou Zhang, Xiaohang Dong
Author Information
  1. Hui Liang: Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450000, China.
  2. Shiqing Liu: Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450000, China.
  3. Yi Wang: General Hospital of Pingmei Shenma Group, Pingdingshan, 467000, China.
  4. Junjun Pan: Beihang University, Beijing, 100000, China.
  5. Yazhou Zhang: Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450000, China.
  6. Xiaohang Dong: Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450000, China.


COVID-19 causes persistent symptoms such as weakness and myasthenia in most patients. Due to the cross-infection of COVID-19, the traditional face-to-face rehabilitation services are risky for the elderly. To ensure that the elderly in urgent need of rehabilitation services receive training while minimizing the disturbance of the COVID-19 pandemic on their social activities. We have improved the existing virtual upper limb training system, and added a social factor to the system. Seniors with upper limb rehabilitation needs can use the system to compete or collaborate with others for training. In addition, a set of natural and scientific exclusive gestures have been designed under the direction of following the doctor's advice. The experiment is conducted jointly with the chief physicians of the geriatrics department in the authoritative class-A hospitals of Class III. Our experiment, which lasted for two months, showed that the virtual training system with social factors added had the best rehabilitation effect and enhanced the initiative of patients. The system has value for popularization during the COVID-19 epidemic.


Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0systemtrainingrehabilitationCOVID-19socialvirtualupperlimbpatientsserviceselderlyaddedexperimentMulti-userinteractioncausespersistentsymptomsweaknessmyastheniaDuecross-infectiontraditionalface-to-faceriskyensureurgentneedreceiveminimizingdisturbancepandemicactivitiesimprovedexistingfactorSeniorsneedscanusecompetecollaborateothersadditionsetnaturalscientificexclusivegesturesdesigneddirectionfollowingdoctor'sadviceconductedjointlychiefphysiciansgeriatricsdepartmentauthoritativeclass-AhospitalsClassIIIlastedtwomonthsshowedfactorsbesteffectenhancedinitiativevaluepopularizationepidemicintegratingCovid-19MyastheniaSocial

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