Live Virtual Surgery and Virtual Reality in Surgery: Potential Applications in Hand Surgery Education.

Aaron S Long, Mariana N Almeida, Lauren Chong, Adnan Prsic
Author Information
  1. Aaron S Long: Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
  2. Mariana N Almeida: Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
  3. Lauren Chong: Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
  4. Adnan Prsic: Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. Electronic address:


Accelerated in part by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, medical education has increasingly moved into the virtual sphere in recent years. Virtual surgical education encompasses several domains, including live virtual surgery and virtual and augmented reality. These technologies range in complexity from streaming audio and video of surgeries in real-time to fully immersive virtual simulations of surgery. This article reviews the current use of virtual surgical education and its possible applications in hand surgery. Applications of virtual technologies for preoperative planning and intraoperative guidance, as well as care in underresourced settings, are discussed. The authors describe their experience creating a virtual surgery subinternship with live virtual surgeries. There are many roles virtual technology can have in surgery, and this review explores potential value these technologies may have in hand surgery.


MeSH Term

Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
Specialties, Surgical

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0virtualsurgeryeducationVirtualsurgicalliverealitytechnologiessurgerieshandApplicationsSurgeryAcceleratedpartcoronavirusdisease2019pandemicmedicalincreasinglymovedsphererecentyearsencompassesseveraldomainsincludingaugmentedrangecomplexitystreamingaudiovideoreal-timefullyimmersivesimulationsarticlereviewscurrentusepossibleapplicationspreoperativeplanningintraoperativeguidancewellcareunderresourcedsettingsdiscussedauthorsdescribeexperiencecreatingsubinternshipmanyrolestechnologycanreviewexplorespotentialvaluemayLiveRealitySurgery:PotentialHandEducationAugmented

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