Heterogeneously informed trading and the stock market efficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Liao Xu, Mingqi Xue, Xuan Zhang, Yang Zhao
Author Information
  1. Liao Xu: School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China.
  2. Mingqi Xue: Institute of Financial Data Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
  3. Xuan Zhang: College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China.
  4. Yang Zhao: Chinese Academy of Finance and Development, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China.


This study investigates the U.S. stock market efficiency from the symmetric and asymmetric perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic. We explore that the pandemic boosts (hurts) the information role of symmetrically (asymmetrically) informed trading. Specifically, we find that the epidemic outbreak and infection scale strengthen (weaken) the stock return reaction to symmetrically (asymmetrically) informed trading. Evidence also indicates that the effect of symmetrically (asymmetrically) informed trading on stocks' permanent price shocks and price informational efficiency is enhanced (impaired) during the pandemic. Moreover, all these effects are consistently more intensive to informed buys.



  1. Int Rev Financ Anal. 2020 Jul;70:101496 [PMID: 38620230]
  2. Int Rev Financ Anal. 2020 Oct;71:101526 [PMID: 38620286]
  3. Int Rev Financ Anal. 2020 Nov;72:101560 [PMID: 38620666]

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0informedtradingefficiencypandemicstockCOVID-19informationsymmetricallyasymmetricallymarketpricestudyinvestigatesUSsymmetricasymmetricperspectivesexploreboostshurtsroleSpecificallyfindepidemicoutbreakinfectionscalestrengthenweakenreturnreactionEvidencealsoindicateseffectstocks'permanentshocksinformationalenhancedimpairedMoreovereffectsconsistentlyintensivebuysHeterogeneouslyAsymmetricInformedMarketSymmetric

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