[Complementary procedures for chronic pain disorders in childhood and adolescence].

Melanie Anheyer, Lea H��fel
Author Information
  1. Melanie Anheyer: Klinik f��r Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Essen, Klara-Kopp-Weg 1, 45138, Essen, Deutschland. m.anheyer@contilia.de.
  2. Lea H��fel: Zentrum f��r Schmerztherapie junger Menschen, Kinderklinik Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Gehfeldstra��e 24, 82467, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Deutschland.


Pain that persists or recurs over a period of at least 3 months in childhood and adolescence is referred to as chronic pain. The primary localization of pain changes according to age: abdominal pain is more common at a younger age, headache is more common in adolescents and later back pain as well as muscle and joint pain. In the multimodal and interdisciplinary treatment of chronic pain, complementary procedures can expand the treatment spectrum. This article provides an overview of the existing evidence that for childhood and adolescence can at best be evaluated as readily understandable. In addition, the experiences of two children's hospitals show that complementary medicine can be used as a low-threshold and easily implemented therapy.



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MeSH Term

Chronic Pain
Abdominal Pain
Back Pain
Pain Management

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0painchildhoodchroniccanadolescencecommontreatmentcomplementaryproceduresPainpersistsrecursa periodleast3 monthsreferredprimarylocalizationchangesaccordingage:abdominala youngerageheadacheadolescentslaterbackwellmusclejointmultimodalinterdisciplinaryexpandspectrumarticleprovidesoverviewexistingevidencebestevaluatedreadilyunderstandableadditionexperiencestwochildren'shospitalsshowmedicineuseda low-thresholdeasilyimplementedtherapy[Complementarydisordersadolescence]AbdominalChronicHeadacheIntegrativemedicine/pediatricsQigong

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