Enhanced membrane fouling control through self-forming dynamic membrane and sponge-wrapped membrane: A novel membrane bioreactor.

S Nagalakshmi, S Mariraj Mohan
Author Information
  1. S Nagalakshmi: Department of Civil Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, India.
  2. S Mariraj Mohan: Department of Civil Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, India. ORCID


Membrane technology offers a wide variety of advantages in wastewater treatment, but fouling impedes its widespread applications. Hence, in this study, a novel method was tried to control membrane fouling by combining the self-forming dynamic membrane (SFDM) with a sponge-wrapped membrane bioreactor. The configuration is termed a "Novel-membrane bioreactor" (Novel-MBR). To compare the performance of Novel-MBR, a conventional membrane bioreactor (CMBR) was operated under similar operating conditions. CMBR and Novel-MBR were run consequently for 60 and 150 days, respectively. The Novel-MBR was composed of SFDMs in two compartments before a sponge-wrapped membrane in the membrane compartment. In Novel-MBR, the formation times for SFDMs on coarse (125 μm) and fine (37 μm) pore cloth filers were 43 and 13 min, respectively. The CMBR experienced more frequent fouling; the maximum fouling rate was 5.83 kPa/day. In CMBR, the membrane fouling due to cake layer resistance (6.92 × 10  m ) was high, and that alone contributed to 84% of fouling. In Novel-MBR, the fouling rate was 0.0266 kPa/day, and the cake layer resistance was 0.329 × 10  m . Also, the Novel-MBR experienced 21 times less reversible fouling and 36 times less irreversible fouling resistance than the CMBR. In Novel-MBR, the formed SFDM and the sponge wrapped on the membrane helped to reduce both reversible and irreversible fouling. With the modification tried in the present study, the Novel-MBR experienced less fouling, and the maximum transmembrane pressure at the end of 150 days of operation was 4 kPa. PRACTITIONER POINTS: CMBR experienced frequent fouling, and the maximum fouling rate was 5.83 kPa/day. Cake layer resistance was dominant in CMBR and contributed to 84% of fouling. The fouling rate of Novel-MBR at the end of the operation was 0.0266 kPa/day. Novel-MBR is expected to perform for ≈3380 days to reach the maximum TMP of 35 kPa.



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MeSH Term

Membranes, Artificial
Water Purification


Membranes, Artificial

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0foulingmembraneNovel-MBRCMBRbioreactorexperiencedmaximumrateresistanceself-formingdynamicsponge-wrappedtimeslayer0lessreversibleirreversiblestudynoveltriedcontrolSFDMconventional150 daysrespectivelySFDMsfrequent583 kPa/daycake mcontributed84%0266 kPa/dayendoperationMembranetechnologyofferswidevarietyadvantageswastewatertreatmentimpedeswidespreadapplicationsHencemethodcombiningconfigurationtermed"Novel-membranebioreactor"compareperformanceoperatedsimilaroperatingconditionsrunconsequently60composedtwocompartmentscompartmentformationcoarse125 μmfine37 μmporeclothfilers4313 mindue692 × 10highalone329 × 10Also2136formedspongewrappedhelpedreducemodificationpresenttransmembranepressure4 kPaPRACTITIONERPOINTS:Cakedominantexpectedperform≈3380 daysreachTMP35 kPaEnhancedmembrane:novel-membrane

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