Concurrent schedules of differential reinforcement of alternative behavior in the treatment of problem behavior without extinction.

Chelsea R Fleck, Jason C Bourret, Emma R Jehle
Author Information
  1. Chelsea R Fleck: New England Center for Children, Southborough, MA, USA. ORCID
  2. Jason C Bourret: New England Center for Children, Southborough, MA, USA.
  3. Emma R Jehle: New England Center for Children, Southborough, MA, USA.


Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) without extinction is an effective intervention for reducing problem behavior maintained by socially mediated reinforcement, particularly when implementing dense schedules of reinforcement for appropriate behavior. Thinning schedules of reinforcement for an alternative response may result in resurgence of problem behavior. Resurgence may be of particular concern in the treatment of problem behavior without extinction because problem behavior that resurges is also likely to encounter reinforcement and thus can be expected to maintain. In the present investigation, we compared the effectiveness of single and concurrent DRA schedules in decreasing the probability of resurgence when problem behavior continues to produce reinforcement throughout all phases of the evaluation. Concurrent DRA schedules reduced or eliminated the likelihood of resurgence compared with a single DRA schedule during a treatment challenge.



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MeSH Term

Problem Behavior
Conditioning, Operant
Extinction, Psychological
Reinforcement Schedule
Reinforcement, Psychology
Behavior Therapy

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0behaviorreinforcementproblemschedulesalternativeDRAwithoutextinctionresurgencetreatmentmaycomparedsingleconcurrentConcurrentdifferentialDifferentialeffectiveinterventionreducingmaintainedsociallymediatedparticularlyimplementingdenseappropriateThinningresponseresultResurgenceparticularconcernresurgesalsolikelyencounterthuscanexpectedmaintainpresentinvestigationeffectivenessdecreasingprobabilitycontinuesproducethroughoutphasesevaluationreducedeliminatedlikelihoodschedulechallengerelapse

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