A Study of the Factor Structure, Profiles, and Concurrent Validity of the Mindset Assessment Profile Tool for Elementary Students.

Yaacov Petscher, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Jeanne Wanzek
Author Information
  1. Yaacov Petscher: Florida State University.
  2. Stephanie Al Otaiba: Southern Methodist University.
  3. Jeanne Wanzek: Vanderbilt University.


This study explored the underlying latent structure of items on the Mindset Assessment Profile (MAP) tool, explore whether subgroups of students exist based on the latent structure of MAP items, and test whether subgroups were differentiated on standardized measures of reading comprehension, vocabulary, and word reading. Participants included 431 fourth grade students. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that a three-factor model provided the most parsimonious fit to the data. Results of exploratory finite mixture model analysis with auxiliary regression suggested five classes of students with the students categorized as Growth Mindset - High Effort profile, having the highest, observed reading comprehension ( = 451.98, SD = 38.88) and vocabulary ( = 454.37, SD = 34.74) scores. By contrast, students categorized as Fixed Mindset - Higher Effort had the lowest observed reading comprehension and vocabulary scores. Limitations and directions for future research, and implications for using MAP assessment to inform intervention are discussed.



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  1. P50 HD103537/NICHD NIH HHS
  2. R01 HD091232/NICHD NIH HHS

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0studentsreadingMindset=MAPcomprehensionvocabularylatentstructureitemsAssessmentProfilewhethersubgroupsanalysismodelcategorized-EffortobservedSDscoresstudyexploredunderlyingtoolexploreexistbasedtestdifferentiatedstandardizedmeasureswordParticipantsincluded431fourthgradeConfirmatoryfactorrevealedthree-factorprovidedparsimoniousfitdataResultsexploratoryfinitemixtureauxiliaryregressionsuggestedfiveclassesGrowthHighprofilehighest451983888454373474contrastFixedHigherlowestLimitationsdirectionsfutureresearchimplicationsusingassessmentinforminterventiondiscussedStudyFactorStructureProfilesConcurrentValidityToolElementaryStudentseffortelementarygrowthmindset

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