A comprehensive study on Industry 4.0 in the pharmaceutical industry for sustainable development.

Devansh Sharma, Prachi Patel, Manan Shah
Author Information
  1. Devansh Sharma: L.J. Institute of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
  2. Prachi Patel: L.J. Institute of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
  3. Manan Shah: Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Energy Technology, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. manan.shah@spt.pdpu.ac.in. ORCID


The four evolutionary stages have brought us to Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is nothing but the 4th Industrial Revolution which will change the production processes. The implementation of Industry 4.0 in the pharmaceutical sector will make the manufacturing of complex drugs easier. The arrival of Industry 4.0 and its advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) makes the processes flexible. Industry 4.0 was introduced to reduce the human workforce and make the complicated processes unchallenging. It is used in all aspects of pharmaceutical sector like analysis, diagnosis, manufacturing, and packaging. The main aim of this paper is to comprehensively elucidate how Industry 4.0 has played a significant role in sustainable development (SD). Industry 4.0 in sustainability decreases the research efforts and examines the research sector's opportunities. This paper also discusses the impact of Industry 4.0 on sustainable development. Industry 4.0 constructs a bridge between industry and sustainability leading to sustainable development. Sustainability can be achieved by adopting innovative techniques of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing. Moreover, Industry 4.0 provides potential benefits for enhancing pharmaceutical production concerning flexibility, expenses, standards, and safety. It is noticed that Industry 4.0 has a beneficial impact on sustainable development by implementing advanced technologies leading to flexible manufacturing processes.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Industry40developmentsustainableprocessespharmaceuticalmanufacturingsectorwillproductionmakeadvancedtechnologiesflexiblepapersustainabilityresearchimpactindustryleadingfourevolutionarystagesbroughtusnothing4thIndustrialRevolutionchangeimplementationcomplexdrugseasierarrivalartificialintelligenceAIroboticsInternetThingsIoTmakesintroducedreducehumanworkforcecomplicatedunchallengingusedaspectslikeanalysisdiagnosispackagingmainaimcomprehensivelyelucidateplayedsignificantroleSDdecreaseseffortsexaminessector'sopportunitiesalsodiscussesconstructsbridgeSustainabilitycanachievedadoptinginnovativetechniquesMoreoverprovidespotentialbenefitsenhancingconcerningflexibilityexpensesstandardssafetynoticedbeneficialimplementingcomprehensivestudyPharmaceuticalSustainable

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