Modelling the effects of post-FESS middle turbinate synechiae on sinonasal physiology: A computational fluid dynamics study.

Hershil Khatri, Hana Salati, Eugene Wong, Kimberley Bradshaw, Kiao Inthavong, Raymond Sacks, Narinder Singh
Author Information
  1. Hershil Khatri: Department of Otolaryngology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  2. Hana Salati: School of Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.
  3. Eugene Wong: Department of Otolaryngology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  4. Kimberley Bradshaw: Department of Otolaryngology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  5. Kiao Inthavong: School of Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Vic, Australia. Electronic address:
  6. Raymond Sacks: Department of Otolaryngology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  7. Narinder Singh: Department of Otolaryngology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.


OBJECTIVE(S): Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is common and often requires surgical intervention. Surgical failure may lead to persistent symptoms and recalcitrant disease, often secondary to synechiae between the middle turbinate (MT) and lateral nasal wall. Synechiae prevention techniques have been extensively investigated, however evidence for the effect of synechiae on sinonasal physiology is lacking. We aimed to model the effects of MT synechiae on a post-functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) sinonasal cavity using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
METHODS: DICOM data from a CT-sinus of a healthy 25-year-old female was segmented to create a three-dimensional model. Virtual surgery was performed to simulate a "full-house" FESS procedure. Multiple models were created, each with a single unilateral virtual MT synechia of varying extent. CFD analysis was performed on each model and compared with a post-FESS control model without synechiae. Airflow velocity, humidity and mucosal surface and air temperature values were calculated.
RESULTS: All synechiae models demonstrated aberrant downstream sinonasal airflow. There was reduced ventilation of the ipsilateral frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, with a concentrated central "jet" in the middle meatus region. Effects were proportionate to the size of synechiae. The impact on bulk inspired airflow was negligible.
CONCLUSION: Post-FESS synechiae between the MT and lateral nasal wall significantly disrupt local downstream sinus ventilation and nasal airflow. These findings may explain the persistent symptoms seen in post-FESS CRS patients with MT synechiae, reinforcing the importance of prevention and adhesiolysis. Larger cohort studies with multiple models of actual post-FESS patients with synechiae are required to validate these findings.


MeSH Term

Paranasal Sinuses
Nasal Cavity

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0synechiaeMTsinonasalmodelpost-FESSmiddlenasalsurgeryfluiddynamicsmodelsairflowCRSoftenmaypersistentsymptomsturbinatelateralwallpreventioneffectssinusFESScomputationalCFDperformeddownstreamventilationsinusesfindingspatientsOBJECTIVES:ChronicrhinosinusitiscommonrequiressurgicalinterventionSurgicalfailureleadrecalcitrantdiseasesecondarySynechiaetechniquesextensivelyinvestigatedhoweverevidenceeffectphysiologylackingaimedpost-functionalendoscopiccavityusingMETHODS:DICOMdataCT-sinushealthy25-year-oldfemalesegmentedcreatethree-dimensionalVirtualsimulate"full-house"procedureMultiplecreatedsingleunilateralvirtualsynechiavaryingextentanalysiscomparedcontrolwithoutAirflowvelocityhumiditymucosalsurfaceairtemperaturevaluescalculatedRESULTS:demonstratedaberrantreducedipsilateralfrontalethmoidsphenoidconcentratedcentral"jet"meatusregionEffectsproportionatesizeimpactbulkinspirednegligibleCONCLUSION:Post-FESSsignificantlydisruptlocalexplainseenreinforcingimportanceadhesiolysisLargercohortstudiesmultipleactualrequiredvalidateModellingphysiology:studyAdultrhinologyComputationalSimulationparanasal

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