[Complementary and alternative medicine-An option for chronic pain patients?]

Jutta H��bner, Christian Keinki, Jens B��ntzel
Author Information
  1. Jutta H��bner: Klinik f��r Innere Medizin II, H��matologie und Internistische Onkologie, Universit��tsklinikum Jena, Am Klinikum 1, 07747, Jena, Deutschland. jutta.huebner@med.uni-jena.de.
  2. Christian Keinki: Klinik f��r Innere Medizin II, H��matologie und Internistische Onkologie, Universit��tsklinikum Jena, Am Klinikum 1, 07747, Jena, Deutschland.
  3. Jens B��ntzel: Klinik f��r Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Krankheiten, Abteilung f��r Palliativmedizin, S��dharzklinikum Nordhausen, Nordhausen, Deutschland.


The interest of patients with chronic pain in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is high. The aim of an accompanying complementary therapy is to strengthen the patient's self-efficacy, the ability to make decisions and the autonomy. The best evidence exists for physical activity and a balanced diet. Exercise combinations of strength and endurance as well as targeted strengthening of the muscles in the area of the pain are particularly suitable. When choosing the form of exercise, low-threshold training options are recommended. There is no reliable evidence for kinesio taping, homeopathy, neural therapy and draining procedures. The extensive data on acupuncture must be interpreted taking methodological limitations into account. Heat applications can support multimodal pain therapy. In the case of anti-inflammatory phytotherapeutic agents, there are good rationales from basic research and reliable empirical knowledge regarding the dosage. The evidence on cannabis is low.



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Chronic Pain
Complementary Therapies
Acupuncture Therapy

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0paintherapyevidencechroniccomplementaryalternativeExercisereliableinterestpatientsmedicineCAMhighaimaccompanyingstrengthenpatient'sself-efficacyabilitymakedecisionsautonomybestexistsphysicalactivitya balanceddietcombinationsstrengthendurancewelltargetedstrengtheningmusclesareaparticularlysuitablechoosingformexerciselow-thresholdtrainingoptionsrecommendedkinesiotapinghomeopathyneuraldrainingproceduresextensivedataacupuncturemustinterpretedtakingmethodologicallimitationsaccountHeatapplicationscansupportmultimodalcaseanti-inflammatoryphytotherapeuticagentsgoodrationalesbasicresearchempiricalknowledgeregardingdosagecannabislow[Complementarymedicine-Anoptionpatients?]AcupunctureCommunicationMultimodalPhytotherapy

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