Anxiety, body dissatisfaction, and exercise identity: Differentiating between adaptive and compulsive exercise.

Madeline Palermo, Diana Rancourt
Author Information
  1. Madeline Palermo: Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA. Electronic address:
  2. Diana Rancourt: Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA.


OBJECTIVE: Little is known about psychosocial variables that may be differentially associated with compulsive exercise versus adaptive exercise. The current study simultaneously examined associations of exercise identity, anxiety, and body dissatisfaction with both compulsive and adaptive exercise behaviors and investigated which construct may account for the most unique variance in compulsive and adaptive exercise. Hypotheses were that: 1) body dissatisfaction, anxiety, and exercise identity would be significantly associated with compulsive exercise and 2) exercise identity would be significantly associated with adaptive exercise.
METHOD: A total of 446 individuals (50.2 % female) completed reports of compulsive exercise, adaptive exercise, body dissatisfaction, exercise identity, and anxiety via an online survey. Multiple linear regression and dominance analyses were used to test hypotheses.
RESULTS: Exercise identity, body dissatisfaction, and anxiety were all significantly associated with compulsive exercise. Only exercise identity and anxiety were significantly associated with adaptive exercise. Dominance analyses suggested that exercise identity accounted for the largest proportion of variance in compulsive (Dominance R = 0.27) and adaptive exercise (Dominance R = 0.45).
CONCLUSION: Exercise identity emerged as the strongest predictor of both compulsive and adaptive exercise. The simultaneous presence of exercise identity, body dissatisfaction, and anxiety may contribute to high risk for engagement in compulsive exercise. Incorporating exercise identity into established eating disorder preventions and treatments may contribute to the reduction of compulsive exercise behaviors.


MeSH Term

Body Dissatisfaction
Compulsive Exercise
Body Image
Feeding and Eating Disorders

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0exercisecompulsiveidentityadaptiveanxietybodydissatisfactionassociatedmaysignificantlyExerciseDominancebehaviorsvarianceanalysesR = 0contributeOBJECTIVE:LittleknownpsychosocialvariablesdifferentiallyversuscurrentstudysimultaneouslyexaminedassociationsinvestigatedconstructaccountuniqueHypothesesthat:12METHOD:total446individuals502 %femalecompletedreportsviaonlinesurveyMultiplelinearregressiondominanceusedtesthypothesesRESULTS:suggestedaccountedlargestproportion2745CONCLUSION:emergedstrongestpredictorsimultaneouspresencehighriskengagementIncorporatingestablishedeatingdisorderpreventionstreatmentsreductionAnxietyidentity:DifferentiatingCollegestudentsEatingdisordersSelfconcept

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