Optimizing Sanitation Network Upgrading Projects in Slum Areas.

Mohamed Marzouk, Mahmoud Bahi, Omar El-Anwar
Author Information
  1. Mohamed Marzouk: Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. mmarzouk@cu.edu.eg. ORCID
  2. Mahmoud Bahi: Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
  3. Omar El-Anwar: Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. ORCID


Infrastructure upgrading projects are a key element in enhancing the livelihood of residents in slum areas. These projects face significant constructability challenges common to dense-urban construction coupled with the unique socioeconomic challenges of operating in slums. This research focuses on sanitation network upgrading projects in slum areas and proposes a novel methodology capable of (1) accounting for the unique constructability challenges for these projects, (2) accelerating the provision of sanitation services, and (3) optimizing construction decisions. The key contribution of this research to the body of knowledge is in developing a comprehensive construction planning framework capable of achieving these three objectives. The proposed framework focuses specifically on sewer lines upgrading within the larger sanitation networks upgrading projects. This framework consists of five main models that can guide planners in selecting the appropriate equipment sizes, trench system configuration, and optimal equipment routing, in addition to identifying all possible execution sequences along with the corresponding construction cost and duration of each sequence. Most notably, this framework proposes an approach to assess the serviceability of different construction plans measured by how fast sanitary services can be provided to slum dwellers. A multi-objective, genetic algorithms optimization model is developed to identify the optimal construction plans that accelerate the sanitary service provision to residents while minimizing construction costs. A real-world example is presented to demonstrate the model capabilities in optimizing construction plans.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0constructionupgradingprojectsframeworkslumchallengessanitationplanskeyresidentsareasconstructabilityuniqueresearchfocusesnetworkproposescapableprovisionservicesoptimizingcanequipmentoptimalsanitaryalgorithmsmodelNetworkSlumInfrastructureelementenhancinglivelihoodfacesignificantcommondense-urbancoupledsocioeconomicoperatingslumsnovelmethodology1accounting2accelerating3decisionscontributionbodyknowledgedevelopingcomprehensiveplanningachievingthreeobjectivesproposedspecificallysewerlineswithinlargernetworksconsistsfivemainmodelsguideplannersselectingappropriatesizestrenchsystemconfigurationroutingadditionidentifyingpossibleexecutionsequencesalongcorrespondingcostdurationsequencenotablyapproachassessserviceabilitydifferentmeasuredfastprovideddwellersmulti-objectivegeneticoptimizationdevelopedidentifyaccelerateserviceminimizingcostsreal-worldexamplepresenteddemonstratecapabilitiesOptimizingSanitationUpgradingProjectsAreasGeneticlogisticanalysisSanitaryServiceabilityperformancemeasurementarea

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