The Multimorbidity Web in rheumatoid arthritis.

Bryant R England
Author Information
  1. Bryant R England: Division of Rheumatology & Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine, VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA. ORCID


Multimorbidity, the presence of multiple chronic conditions, is highly prevalent in people with RA. An essential characteristic of multimorbidity is the interrelatedness of the different conditions that may develop in a multimorbid person. Recent studies have begun to identify and describe the Multimorbidity Web by elucidating unique multimorbidity patterns in people with RA. The primary multimorbidity patterns in this web are cardiopulmonary, cardiometabolic, and mental health and chronic pain multimorbidity. Once caught in the Multimorbidity Web, the consequences can be devastating, with reduced quality of life, physical function, survival, and treatment responses observed in multimorbid RA persons. The development of effective management and preventive approaches for multimorbidity in people with RA is in its infancy. Determining how best to assess, intervene, and prevent multimorbidity in RA is crucial to optimize long-term outcomes in people with RA.



  1. IK2 CX002203/CSRD VA

MeSH Term

Chronic Disease
Quality of Life
Arthritis, Rheumatoid

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0RAmultimorbidityMultimorbiditychronicpeopleWebconditionsmultimorbidpatternspresencemultiplehighlyprevalentessentialcharacteristicinterrelatednessdifferentmaydeveloppersonRecentstudiesbegunidentifydescribeelucidatinguniqueprimarywebcardiopulmonarycardiometabolicmentalhealthpaincaughtconsequencescandevastatingreducedqualitylifephysicalfunctionsurvivaltreatmentresponsesobservedpersonsdevelopmenteffectivemanagementpreventiveapproachesinfancyDeterminingbestassessintervenepreventcrucialoptimizelong-termoutcomesrheumatoidarthritisconditiondiseasecomorbidity

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