Common ground in AAC: how children who use AAC and teaching staff shape interaction in the multimodal classroom.

Seray Ibrahim, Michael Clarke, Asimina Vasalou, Jeff Bezemer
Author Information
  1. Seray Ibrahim: Institute of Education, University College London, London, UK. ORCID
  2. Michael Clarke: Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA. ORCID
  3. Asimina Vasalou: Institute of Education, University College London, London, UK. ORCID
  4. Jeff Bezemer: Institute of Education, University College London, London, UK. ORCID


Children who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) are multimodal communicators. However, in classroom interactions involving children and staff, achieving mutual understanding and accomplishing task-oriented goals by attending to the child's unaided AAC can be challenging. This study draws on excerpts of video recordings of interactions in a classroom for 6-9-year-old children who used AAC to explore how three child participants used the range of multimodal resources available to them - vocal, movement-based, and gestural, technological, temporal - to shape (and to some degree, co-control) classroom interactions. Our research was concerned with examining achievements and problems in establishing a sense of common ground and the realization of child agency. Through detailed multimodal analysis, this paper renders visible different types of practices rejecting a request for clarification, drawing new parties into a conversation, disrupting whole-class teacher talk-through which the children in the study voiced themselves in persuasive ways. It concludes by suggesting that multimodal accounts paint a more nuanced picture of children's resourcefulness and conversational asymmetry that highlights children's agency amidst material, semiotic, and institutional constraints.


MeSH Term

Communication Aids for Disabled
Communication Disorders
School Teachers
Interpersonal Relations
Video Recording

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0multimodalAACclassroomchildreninteractionsgroundagencyusecommunicationstaffstudyusedchild-shapecommonchildren'sconversationalasymmetryChildrenaugmentativealternativecommunicatorsHoweverinvolvingachievingmutualunderstandingaccomplishingtask-orientedgoalsattendingchild'sunaidedcanchallengingdrawsexcerptsvideorecordings6-9-year-oldexplorethreeparticipantsrangeresourcesavailablevocalmovement-basedgesturaltechnologicaltemporaldegreeco-controlresearchconcernedexaminingachievementsproblemsestablishingsenserealizationdetailedanalysispaperrendersvisibledifferenttypespracticesrejectingrequestclarificationdrawingnewpartiesconversationdisruptingwhole-classteachertalk-throughvoicedpersuasivewaysconcludessuggestingaccountspaintnuancedpictureresourcefulnesshighlightsamidstmaterialsemioticinstitutionalconstraintsCommonAAC:teachinginteraction

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