miR-2765 Modulates the Seasonal Polyphenism in by Targeting a Novel Cold Rreceptor .

Jianying Li, Dongyue Zhang, Zhixian Zhang, Shili Meng, Bo Wang, Zhen Li, Xiaoxia Liu, Songdou Zhang
Author Information
  1. Jianying Li: Department of Entomology and MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, 100193 Beijing, China.
  2. Dongyue Zhang: Department of Entomology and MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, 100193 Beijing, China.
  3. Zhixian Zhang: Department of Entomology and MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, 100193 Beijing, China.
  4. Shili Meng: Department of Entomology and MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, 100193 Beijing, China.
  5. Bo Wang: Sanya Institute of China Agricultural University, 572025 Sanya City, Hainan Province, China.
  6. Zhen Li: Department of Entomology and MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, 100193 Beijing, China.
  7. Xiaoxia Liu: Department of Entomology and MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, 100193 Beijing, China.
  8. Songdou Zhang: Department of Entomology and MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, 100193 Beijing, China. ORCID


Polyphenism is a beneficial way in organisms to better cope with changing circumstances and is a hot topic in entomology, evolutionary biology, and ecology. Until now, this phenomenon has been proven to be season-, density-, and diet-dependent; however, there are very few reports on temperature regulation. showed seasonal polyphenism, namely as summer- and winter-form, with obvious diversity in phenotypic characteristics in response to seasonal variation. Previous studies have found that low temperature in autumn is an extremely important element in inducing summer-form change to winter-form, but the underlying regulatory mechanism is still a mystery. Herein, we provided the initial evidence that the third instar of the summer-form is the critical period for developing to the winter-form, and 10 °C induces this transition by affecting the total pigment, chitin level, and thickness of the cuticle. Second, was proven to function as a novel cold receptor to control this seasonal polyphenism. Moreover, miR-2765 was found to mediate seasonal polyphenism by inhibiting expression. Last, we found that cuticle binding proteins and function as the downstream signals of to regulate the seasonal polyphenism in . In conclusion, our results displayed a novel signal pathway of miR-2765 and for the regulation of seasonal polyphenism in . These findings provide insights into the comprehensive analysis of insect polyphenism and are useful in developing potential strategies to block the phase transition for the pest control of .


MeSH Term

Cold Temperature
Biological Evolution



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0seasonalpolyphenismmiR-2765temperaturewinter-formfoundPolyphenismprovenregulationlowsummer-formdevelopingtransitioncuticlefunctionnovelcontrolbeneficialwayorganismsbettercopechangingcircumstanceshottopicentomologyevolutionarybiologyecologynowphenomenonseason-density-diet-dependenthoweverreportsshowednamelysummer-obviousdiversityphenotypiccharacteristicsresponsevariationPreviousstudiesautumnextremelyimportantelementinducingchangeunderlyingregulatorymechanismstillmysteryHereinprovidedinitialevidencethirdinstarcriticalperiod10°CinducesaffectingtotalpigmentchitinlevelthicknessSecondcoldreceptorMoreovermediateinhibitingexpressionLastbindingproteinsdownstreamsignalsregulateconclusionresultsdisplayedsignalpathwayfindingsprovideinsightscomprehensiveanalysisinsectusefulpotentialstrategiesblockphasepestModulatesSeasonalTargetingNovelColdRreceptorCacopsyllachinensisCcTRPC3

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