Emerging roles of lysosome homeostasis (repair, lysophagy and biogenesis) in cancer progression and therapy.

Nitish Chauhan, Birija Sankar Patro
Author Information
  1. Nitish Chauhan: Bio-Organic Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400085, India; Homi Bhabha National Institute, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400094, India.
  2. Birija Sankar Patro: Bio-Organic Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400085, India; Homi Bhabha National Institute, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400094, India. Electronic address: bisank@barc.gov.in.


In the era of personalized therapy, precise targeting of subcellular organelles holds great promise for cancer modality. Taking into consideration that lysosome represents the intersection site in numerous endosomal trafficking pathways and their modulation in cancer growth, progression, and resistance against cancer therapies, the lysosome is proposed as an attractive therapeutic target for cancer treatment. Based on the recent advances, the current review provides a comprehensive understanding of molecular mechanisms of lysosome homeostasis under 3R responses: Repair, Removal (lysophagy) and Regeneration of lysosomes. These arms of 3R responses have distinct role in lysosome homeostasis although their interdependency along with switching between the pathways still remain elusive. Recent advances underpinning the crucial role of (1) ESCRT complex dependent/independent repair of lysosome, (2) various Galectins-based sensing and ubiquitination in lysophagy and (3) TFEB/TFE proteins in lysosome regeneration/biogenesis of lysosome are outlined. Later, we also emphasised how these recent advancements may aid in development of phytochemicals and pharmacological agents for targeting lysosomes for efficient cancer therapy. Some of these lysosome targeting agents, which are now at various stages of clinical trials and patents, are also highlighted in this review.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0lysosomecancertherapytargetinghomeostasislysophagyrepairLysosomepathwaysprogressionrecentadvancesreview3RlysosomesrolevariousalsoagentserapersonalizedprecisesubcellularorganellesholdsgreatpromisemodalityTakingconsiderationrepresentsintersectionsitenumerousendosomaltraffickingmodulationgrowthresistancetherapiesproposedattractivetherapeutictargettreatmentBasedcurrentprovidescomprehensiveunderstandingmolecularmechanismsresponses:RepairRemovalRegenerationarmsresponsesdistinctalthoughinterdependencyalongswitchingstillremainelusiveRecentunderpinningcrucial1ESCRTcomplexdependent/independent2Galectins-basedsensingubiquitination3TFEB/TFEproteinsregeneration/biogenesisoutlinedLateremphasisedadvancementsmayaiddevelopmentphytochemicalspharmacologicalefficientnowstagesclinicaltrialspatentshighlightedEmergingrolesbiogenesisLysophagybiogenesis:oxidativestressmembranepermeabilization

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