Barriers to lifestyle modification in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a scoping review.

Kaoru Shibayama, Chie Furushima, Minako Saka, Takako Sakamoto, Hirokazu Takahashi
Author Information
  1. Kaoru Shibayama: Institute of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University, Japan.
  2. Chie Furushima: Institute of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University, Japan.
  3. Minako Saka: Department of Nursing, School of Nursing at Narita, International University of Health and Welfare, Japan.
  4. Takako Sakamoto: Institute of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University, Japan.
  5. Hirokazu Takahashi: Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University, Japan.


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is common worldwide, and lifestyle modifications are key to its treatment. This study aimed to identify the barriers to lifestyle modifications in patients with Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and to organize the results using the Capability Opportunity Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) model. The framework of Arksey and O' Malley was used in this scoping review. We searched PubMed, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library without language restrictions for reports published up to September 11, 2022, including peer-reviewed literature reporting barriers to lifestyle modifications in patients with Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Patient-reported barriers were analyzed inductively and organized into the components (capability, opportunity, and motivation) of the COM-B model. The literature search yielded 583 articles, of which seven qualitative studies, four quantitative studies, and one mixed-methods study met the inclusion criteria. Lack of time, lack of information on the diagnosis and management of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, negative perceptions of the prescribed exercise and diet, physical symptoms interfering with the behavior, presence of comorbidities, and lack of family cooperation were frequently reported as barriers. The results of this study may contribute to the development of appropriate care and education strategies to promote behavioral changes in patients with Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0fattyliverdiseasenon-alcoholiclifestylebarrierspatientsmodificationsstudyCOM-BmodelresultsCapabilityOpportunityMotivation-BehaviorscopingreviewliteraturestudieslackNon-alcoholiccommonworldwidekeytreatmentaimedidentifyorganizeusingframeworkArkseyO'MalleyusedsearchedPubMedScopusCochraneLibrarywithoutlanguagerestrictionsreportspublishedSeptember112022includingpeer-reviewedreportingPatient-reportedanalyzedinductivelyorganizedcomponentscapabilityopportunitymotivationsearchyielded583articlessevenqualitativefourquantitativeonemixed-methodsmetinclusioncriteriaLacktimeinformationdiagnosismanagementnegativeperceptionsprescribedexercisedietphysicalsymptomsinterferingbehaviorpresencecomorbiditiesfamilycooperationfrequentlyreportedmaycontributedevelopmentappropriatecareeducationstrategiespromotebehavioralchangesBarriersmodificationdisease:

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