The paradox of the resident experiencing depression: Higher depression, less favorable help-seeking outcome expectations, and lower help-seeking intentions.

Jason T Siegel, Brendon Ellis, Gabrielle Riazi, Anne Brafford, Gregory Guldner, Jessica C Wells
Author Information
  1. Jason T Siegel: Division of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, USA. Electronic address:
  2. Brendon Ellis: Division of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, USA. Electronic address:
  3. Gabrielle Riazi: Division of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, USA. Electronic address:
  4. Anne Brafford: Division of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, USA. Electronic address:
  5. Gregory Guldner: HCA Healthcare, Nashville, TN, USA. Electronic address:
  6. Jessica C Wells: HCA Healthcare, Nashville, TN, USA. Electronic address:


BACKGROUND: Medical residents experiencing depression can cause life-threatening harm to themselves and their patients. Treatment is available, but many do not seek help.
METHODS: The current set of three studies investigated whether depressive symptomatology in and of itself served as a help-seeking barrier-and whether expectations of help-seeking benefits provided insight into why this occurred. Nine waves of cross-sectional data were collected from medical residents across several different hospitals in the United States.
RESULTS: There was a large negative association between levels of depressive symptomatology and help-seeking intentions (H1) in Studies 1 and 3. In Study 2, this association was significant for one of the two help-seeking measures. For all analyses, studies, and measures, there was a large negative association between residents' levels of depressive symptomatology and agreement that seeking help will lead to positive outcomes (H2). Likewise, there was a moderately large indirect effect for all analyses, studies, and measures such that the association between levels of depressive symptomatology and help-seeking intentions occurred through less favorable expectations of help-seeking benefits (H3). Lower agreement of the benefits associated with help-seeking explained between 43 and 65% of depressive symptomatology's negative association with help-seeking intentions across studies.
CONCLUSIONS: The current findings indicate that depressive symptomatology itself represents a help-seeking barrier and underscore the importance of help-seeking expectations in explaining why this occurs. If future studies reveal a causal relationship between the perceived benefits of help-seeking and help-seeking intentions, then increasing such expectations could offer a potential path for increasing resident help-seeking.


MeSH Term

Cross-Sectional Studies

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0help-seekingdepressiveexpectationsintentionsstudiessymptomatologyassociationbenefitsresidentslargenegativelevelsmeasuresHelp-seekingMedicalexperiencingdepressionhelpcurrentwhetheroccurredacrossanalysesagreementlessfavorableincreasingresidentoutcomeBACKGROUND:cancauselife-threateningharmpatientsTreatmentavailablemanyseekMETHODS:setthreeinvestigatedservedbarrier-andprovidedinsightNinewavescross-sectionaldatacollectedmedicalseveraldifferenthospitalsUnitedStatesRESULTS:H1Studies13Study2significantonetworesidents'seekingwillleadpositiveoutcomesH2LikewisemoderatelyindirecteffectH3Lowerassociatedexplained4365%symptomatology'sCONCLUSIONS:findingsindicaterepresentsbarrierunderscoreimportanceexplainingoccursfuturerevealcausalrelationshipperceivedofferpotentialpathparadoxdepression:HigherlowerDepressionResidentphysicians

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