Types and factors affecting and impact of ableism among Asian children and youth with disabilities and their caregivers: a systematic review of quantitative studies.

Yiyan Li, Kristina Fuentes, Shaelynn Hsu, Sharmigaa Ragunathan, Sally Lindsay
Author Information
  1. Yiyan Li: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto, Canada.
  2. Kristina Fuentes: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto, Canada. ORCID
  3. Shaelynn Hsu: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto, Canada.
  4. Sharmigaa Ragunathan: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto, Canada.
  5. Sally Lindsay: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto, Canada.


PURPOSE: Asian children and youth with disabilities often experience multiple barriers and discrimination in education, healthcare, and social settings, which influence their well-being, especially the transition to adulthood. This review aims to explore the types, factors affecting and impact of ableism on Asian children and youth with disabilities and their caregivers.
METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and a narrative synthesis whereby we searched the literature from six international databases, including Healthstar, Ovid Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, Scopus, and Web of Science.
RESULTS: Twenty-nine studies were included in the review, and three themes were identified that related to ableism: (1) types and rates of ableism (i.e., stigma, bullying and victimization, and discrimination and inequalities); (2) factors affecting ableism (i.e. sociodemographic factors, familial factors, and societal factors); and (3) impacts of ableism (i.e. mental health, family impacts, and societal impacts).
CONCLUSIONS: Our review highlights that ableism has various types and can be influenced by multiple factors, influencing social and health outcomes of Asian families with children and youth with disabilities. This review also emphasizes the importance of increasing the public's awareness regarding disabilities to reduce ableism among Asian families with children with disabilities.


MeSH Term

Disabled Children
Social Stigma
Asian People
Socioeconomic Factors
Crime Victims
Disability Discrimination

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0factorsableismAsianchildrendisabilitiesreviewyouthdiscriminationtypesaffectingieimpactsmultiplesocialimpactsystematicstudiessocietalhealthfamiliesamongPURPOSE:oftenexperiencebarrierseducationhealthcaresettingsinfluencewell-beingespeciallytransitionadulthoodaimsexplorecaregiversMETHODS:conductednarrativesynthesiswherebysearchedliteraturesixinternationaldatabasesincludingHealthstarOvidMedlineEmbasePsycInfoScopusWebScienceRESULTS:Twenty-nineincludedthreethemesidentifiedrelatedableism:1ratesstigmabullyingvictimizationinequalities2sociodemographicfamilial3mentalfamilyCONCLUSIONS:highlightsvariouscaninfluencedinfluencingoutcomesalsoemphasizesimportanceincreasingpublic'sawarenessregardingreduceTypescaregivers:quantitativeAbleismdisabilitydiversity

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