Establishment and Corresponding Nursing Measures of Intelligent Health Education Platform for Parkinson's Patients Based on Behavior Change Theory.

Wenwen Zhou, Xumei Tao, Jie Wang, Bo Shen, Chuanying Huang
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Objective: Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder that can cause mobility problems as well as mental health, sleep, pain and other health problems. To analyze the establishment of a platform for Parkinson's patients to cooperate with intelligent health education based on behavior change theory and the corresponding nursing measures.
Methods: 80 patients with Parkinson's disease in the Affiliated Brain Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from October 2021 to September 2022 were selected and included in the conventional and wisdom education groups according to different health education methods, with 40 patients in each group. The conventional education group carried out routine health education and nursing. Based on routine health education and nursing, the wisdom education group established a smart health education platform based on behavior change theory. It implemented corresponding health education and nursing measures. The knowledge, belief and practice (KAP score), psychological status, self-efficacy [General self-efficacy scale (GSES) score], motor function [Parkinson's disease Uniform Scoring Scale (UPDRS) - III score], daily living ability (Barthel index), sleep quality (PSQI score), quality of life (QOL score), complication rate (pressure sores, constipation, bruises), and education satisfaction of the two groups were compared.
Results: The KAP score of the wisdom education group after health education was higher than that of the conventional education group (P < .05); The SAS and SDS scores of the wisdom education group after health education were lower than those of the conventional education group (P < .05); The GSES score of the wisdom education group after health education was higher than that of the conventional education group (P < .05); The UPDRS - III score of the wisdom education group after health education was lower than that of the conventional education group, and the Barthel index was higher than that of the conventional education group, P < .05; The PSQI score of the wisdom education group after health education was lower than that of the conventional education group, and the QOL score was higher than that of the conventional education group, P < .05; The incidence of complications in the wisdom education group was lower than that in the conventional education group (P < .05); The satisfaction of the wisdom education group was higher than that of the conventional education group (P < .05).
Conclusion: The establishment of an intelligent health education platform based on behavior change theory for Parkinson's patients and the implementation of corresponding health education and nursing measures can significantly improve the knowledge, belief, practice, and psychological status of patients. This will be helpful for those patients and clinicians. There are also limitations, such as little numbers of patients and no mechanisms.

MeSH Term

Parkinson Disease
Middle Aged
Quality of Life
Health Education
Patient Education as Topic
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Self Efficacy

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0educationgrouphealthconventionalwisdomscorepatientsP<05Parkinson'snursinghigherlowerdiseaseplatformbasedbehaviorchangetheorycorrespondingmeasurescanproblemssleepestablishmentintelligentgroupsroutineBasedknowledgebeliefpracticeKAPpsychologicalstatusself-efficacyGSESscore]UPDRS-IIIBarthelindexqualityPSQIQOLsatisfactionObjective:braindisordercausemobilitywellmentalpainanalyzecooperateMethods:80AffiliatedBrainHospitalNanjingMedicalUniversityOctober2021September2022selectedincludedaccordingdifferentmethods40carriedestablishedsmartimplemented[Generalscalemotorfunction[Parkinson'sUniformScoringScaledailylivingabilitylifecomplicationratepressuresoresconstipationbruisestwocomparedResults:SASSDSscoresincidencecomplicationsConclusion:implementationsignificantlyimprovewillhelpfulcliniciansalsolimitationslittlenumbersmechanismsEstablishmentCorrespondingNursingMeasuresIntelligentHealthEducationPlatformPatientsBehaviorChangeTheory

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