Measuring continuing medical education conference impact and attendee experience: a scoping review.

Lisa Albrecht, Misty Pratt, Rhiannon Ng, Jeremy Olivier, Margaret Sampson, Neal Fahey, Jess Gibson, Anna-Theresa Lobos, Katie O'Hearn, Dennis Newhook, Stephanie Sutherland, Dayre McNally
Author Information
  1. Lisa Albrecht: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.
  2. Misty Pratt: ICES, Toronto, Canada.
  3. Rhiannon Ng: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
  4. Jeremy Olivier: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.
  5. Margaret Sampson: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.
  6. Neal Fahey: KPMG Canada, Quebec, Canada.
  7. Jess Gibson: Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
  8. Anna-Theresa Lobos: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada.
  9. Katie O'Hearn: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.
  10. Dennis Newhook: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.
  11. Stephanie Sutherland: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.
  12. Dayre McNally: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada.


Objectives: The aim was to comprehensively identify published research evaluating continuing medical education conferences, to search for validated tools and perform a content analysis to identify the relevant domains for conference evaluation.
Methods: We used scoping review methodology and searched MEDLINE�� for relevant English or French literature published between 2008 and 2022 (last search June 3, 2022). Original research (including randomized controlled trials, non-randomized studies, cohort, mixed-methods, qualitative studies, and editorial pieces) where investigators described impact, experience, or motivations related to conference attendance were eligible. Citations were assessed in triplicate, and data extracted in duplicate.
Results: Eighty-three studies were included, 69 (83%) of which were surveys or interview based, with the majority conducted at the end of or following conference conclusion. Of the 74 tools identified, only one was validated and was narrowly focused on a specific conference component. A total of 620 items were extracted and categorized into 4 a priori suggested domains (engagement-networking, education-learning, impact, scholarship), and an additional 4 identified through content analysis (value-satisfaction, logistics, equity-diversity-inclusivity, career influences). Time trends were evident, including the absence of items related to equity-diversity-inclusivity prior to 2019, and a focus on logistics, particularly technology and virtual conferences, since 2020.
Conclusions: This study identified 8 major domains relevant for continuing medical education conference evaluation. This work is of immediate value to individuals and organizations seeking to either design or evaluate a conference and represents a critical step in the development of a standardized tool for conference evaluation.



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MeSH Term

Education, Medical, Continuing
Educational Status
Qualitative Research

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0conferenceevaluationmedicaleducationcontinuingrelevantdomainsscopingreviewstudiesimpactidentifiedidentifypublishedresearchconferencessearchvalidatedtoolscontentanalysis2022includingrelatedextracteditems4logisticsequity-diversity-inclusivitytoolObjectives:aimcomprehensivelyevaluatingperformMethods:usedmethodologysearchedMEDLINE��EnglishFrenchliterature2008lastJune3Originalrandomizedcontrolledtrialsnon-randomizedcohortmixed-methodsqualitativeeditorialpiecesinvestigatorsdescribedexperiencemotivationsattendanceeligibleCitationsassessedtriplicatedataduplicateResults:Eighty-threeincluded6983%surveysinterviewbasedmajorityconductedendfollowingconclusion74onenarrowlyfocusedspecificcomponenttotal620categorizedpriorisuggestedengagement-networkingeducation-learningscholarshipadditionalvalue-satisfactioncareerinfluencesTimetrendsevidentabsenceprior2019focusparticularlytechnologyvirtualsince2020Conclusions:study8majorworkimmediatevalueindividualsorganizationsseekingeitherdesignevaluaterepresentscriticalstepdevelopmentstandardizedMeasuringattendeeexperience:domain

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