Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, update October, November and December 2023.

Steven G E Marsh
Author Information
  1. Steven G E Marsh: Anthony Nolan Research Institute, Royal Free Hospital, London, United Kingdom.


No abstract text available.


  1. Marsh SGE. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, update July, August and September 2023. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):783-814.
  2. Marsh SGE, Albert ED, Bodmer WF, Bontrop RE, Dupont B, Erlich HA, Fern��ndez-Vi��a M, Geraghty DE, Holdsworth R, Hurley CK, Lau M, Lee KW, Mach B, Maiers M, Mayr WR, M��ller CR, Parham P, Petersdorf EW, Sasazuki T, Strominger JL, Svejgaard A, Terasaki PI, Tiercy JM, Trowsdale J Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2010. Tissue Antigens Apr 2010;75(4):291-455.
  3. Alizadeh M, Frassati C, Walencik A, Picard C, Pedini P. Characterization of 43 novel HLA-H alleles. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15203
  4. Cambridge CA, Turner TR, Georgiou X, Robinson J, Mayor NP, Marsh SGE. Fifty novel HLA-DPB1 alleles identified in a UK cohort of unrelated hematopoietic cell donors and recipients. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15261.
  5. Barker DJ, Maccari G, Georgiou X, Cooper MA, Flicek P, Robinson J, Marsh SGE The IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. Nucleic Acids Res Jan 6 2023;51(D1):D1053-D1060.
  6. Kouniaki D, Fotopoulos K, Tsirogianni A. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*02:01:01:243 allele by next generation sequencing in a Greek individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15312.
  7. Ananeva A, Akhmetshina G, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Two novel HLA-A variants identified in Russian individuals, HLA-A*02:01:215 and -A*32:151:02. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15308.
  8. Kouniaki D, Fotopoulos K, Stamati V, Tsirogianni A. Full-length sequence of the novel HLA-A*02:05:01:23 allele by next-generation sequencing in a Greek individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15283.
  9. Loginova M, Paramonov I. Confirmation and extension of 18 HLA alleles identified in donors from the Russian bone marrow registry. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15334.
  10. Li JP, Zhang X, Lin FQ, Li XF. The novel HLA-A*02:404 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):740-742.
  11. Li XF, Zhang X, Lin FQ, Wei MJ, Li JP. The novel HLA-A*02:405 allele characterized by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):742-744.
  12. Chang CL, Lin CY. The novel HLA-A*02:672Q allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):609-610.
  13. Marin Rubio LA, Ontanon J. Three novel alleles HLA-A*02:1092, ���A*29:01:01:11 and -B*44:03:01:58 identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):744-745.
  14. Vilches-Moreno M, Galan J, Mena I, Perez AE, Nieto A. HLA-A*02:1093, a variant of HLA-A*02:01:01:01 detected in two Spanish individuals. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):746-747.
  15. Li Z, Zou HY. Full-length sequence of the novel HLA-A*02:1103 allele by next generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15302.
  16. Ananeva A, Aksenova L, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of the novel HLA-A allele, HLA-A*03:01:120, by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15264.
  17. Ananeva A, Sergeeva I, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of the novel HLA-A*03:01:123 allele in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15301.
  18. Ananeva A, Sergeeva I, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of the novel HLA-A*03:02:07 allele in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15259.
  19. He Y, Wu Z, He J, Zhang W, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-A*03:453 allele in a Chinese blood donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15311.
  20. Lou C, Wang J, An L, Hu XZ, Li JM. The novel HLA-A*11:448 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15241.
  21. Gao SQ, Xu YP, Li DC, Zhang H, Peng L. Discovery of the novel HLA-A*11:452N allele by next-generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15247.
  22. Ananeva A, Sergeeva I, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Discovery of the novel HLA-A*11:454 allele, a variant of HLA-A*11:01:01:01, in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15303.
  23. Liu Z, Kang Y, Wang Z, Sun Y, Li J. Identification of the novel HLA-A*11:456 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA Jan 2024;103(1):e15289.
  24. Dong L, Zhao S, Wang F, Zhang W, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-A*24:567N allele in a Chinese individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):611-612.
  25. Bae CO, Park JS, Lee J, Kim Y, Park Y. Identification of the novel HLA-A*24:585:02 allele using next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):747-748.
  26. Ananeva A, Elagina E, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Recognition of the novel HLA-A*24:602 allele detected in a potential hematopoietic stem cell donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15244.
  27. Zhang L, Ma C, Liu X, Zhang Q. The novel HLA-A*24:604 allele, identified using next-generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):749-750.
  28. Jeong IH, Lee JK, Kwon WK, Song EY, Kim KH, Lee J, Jung S, Jeong M, Park JW, Kang ES Characterization of novel HLA-A*24:608N allele discovered in Koreans. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15332.
  29. Ananeva A, Aksenova L, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of three novel HLA-A*24 alleles by next generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15317.
  30. Gao SQ, Li DC, Peng L, Zhang H, Xu YP. Genomic sequence of the novel HLA-A*26:206:02N allele, identified in a patient with hepatitis B infection. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):750-752.
  31. Liu T, Chen L, Xiao M, Wang N, Wang G. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*26:233 allele by sequencing based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):613-614.
  32. Lin CL, Lee HL, Lin WS, Lin M, Lee YJ. The novel HLA-A*26:236 allele identified by sequence-based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):614-615.
  33. Ananeva A, Kadirov A, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Detection of the novel HLA-A*29:183 allele in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15304.
  34. Kim J, Shin KH, Kim HH. The novel HLA-A*30:01:25 allele found in a Korean hematopoietic stem cell recipient. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15267.
  35. Zou HY, Quan ZR, Zhou D. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*30:211 allele by next generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15305.
  36. Gatouillat G, Tabary T, Tonye-Libyh M, Pham BN, Giusti D. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*33:220 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):616-617.
  37. Torio A, Rodriguez-Nicolas A, Cabo-Zabala L, Caballero A. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*33:237 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15242.
  38. Zhong XX, Quan ZR, Wu WD, Yuan R, Luo SH. Next-generation HLA sequencing reveals the novel HLA-A*33:244 allele. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15272.
  39. Pedini P, Brami B, Walencik A, Frassati C, Picard C. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*33:246 allele using next-generation sequencing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):617-619.
  40. Frassati C, Basire A, Chiaroni J, Picard C, Pedini P. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*07:482 allele using next-generation sequencing methods. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):619-620.
  41. Loginova M, Smirnova D, Paramonov I. Genomic sequence of the HLA-B*08:01:71, HLA-B*51:382, and HLA-B*55:01:30 alleles. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):621-622.
  42. Blandin L, Ralazamahaleo M, Guidicelli G, Rouzaire P, Lemal R. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*08:312 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15279.
  43. Han B, Feng ZH, Chi XY, Jiao SX, Pang ST. Genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-B*13:64 allele was identified in a Chinese bone marrow donor. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):622-624.
  44. Loginova M, Druzhinina S, Paramonov I. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*13:181 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):752-753.
  45. Li XF, Zhang X, Lin FQ, Li JP. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*15:269 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):754-756.
  46. Li JP, Liu Y, Zhang X, Wei YD, Li XF. Identification of the novel HLA-B*15:270 allele by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):756-758.
  47. Tao S, You X, Wang F, Zhang W, Zhu F. The novel allele, HLA-B*15:627 was identified by next-generation sequencing in a Chinese cord blood donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15309.
  48. Gatouillat G, Walencik A, Tabary T, Tonye-Libyh M, Giusti D. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*15:648 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15323.
  49. Rajak J, Tambe M, D'Silva SZ, Singh M. Identification of the HLA-B*15:665 and HLA-C*12:02:02:23 alleles in individuals from the South Asia. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):625-626.
  50. Kouniaki D, Fotopoulos K, Stamati V, Tsirogianni A. Full-length sequence of the novel HLA-B*18:01:01:73 allele by next generation sequencing in a Greek individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15290.
  51. de Oliveira AML, Massi FP, Pinto LDB, Zacarias JMV, Visentainer JEL. Description of four new HLA-B alleles in Brazilian bone marrow donors. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15277.
  52. Shen MX, An L, Ding PP, Hu XZ, Lei MQ. The novel HLA-B*27:267 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):626-627.
  53. Dong L, Pi W, Chen N, Zhang W, Zhu F. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*35:546 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):628-629.
  54. Ananeva A, Osipova N, Elagina E, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Two novel HLA-B variants identified in Russian individuals, HLA-B*37:108 and -B*38:108. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15249.
  55. Loginova M, Repnicyna K, Paramonov I, Gerasimova V. The HLA-B*38:110 allele identified in a volunteer bone marrow donor. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):630-631.
  56. Blandin L, Visentin J, Ralazamahaleo M, Lemal R, Rouzaire P. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*39:06:09 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15287.
  57. Ananeva A, Nizamov S, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Discovery of the novel HLA-B*39:198 allele, a variant of HLA-B*39:01:01, in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15270.
  58. Chen N, Dong L, Zhao S, Zhang W, Zhu F. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*40:01:02:48 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15256.
  59. Chen N, Zhao S, Zhang W, He J, Zhu F. Characterization of the novel allele, HLA-B*40:509Q in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15268.
  60. Elsermans V, Visentin J, Top I, Pajot T, Labalette M. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*40:539 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15246.
  61. Liu T, Chen L, Xiao M, Wang N, Zhang D. Identification of the novel allele, HLA-B*48:58, in a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):631-632.
  62. Ananeva A, Akhmetshina G, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. The novel HLA-B*49:81 allele characterized by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15275.
  63. Kouniaki D, Fotopoulos K, Tsirogianni A. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*51:01:01:109 allele by next generation sequencing in a Greek individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15313.
  64. Cheng ZA, Bian C, Lin KQ, Sun H, Yang ZQ. Determination of the 3'UTR region of HLA-B*53:01:03 sequence by next generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15322.
  65. Alanazi H, Alshubaili A, Cereb N, Hajeer A, Jawdat D. Identification of the novel HLA-B*53:69 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15331.
  66. Zhang XQ, An L, Ding PP, Li YX, Li LM. The novel HLA-B*54:01:12 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15299.
  67. Bang HI, Choi S, Seo M, Park MY, Im HY. Identification of a novel HLA-B allele, HLA-B*54:47, in a Korean individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):758-760.
  68. Du Z, Williams C, Santiago R, Ussery T, Elrefaei M. Identification of the novel HLA-B*57:168 allele by next generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 11 2023;
  69. Yang JJ, Oh HB. The HLA-B*58:01:43 allele identified in a Korean individual awaiting hematopoietic stem cell transplant. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15294.
  70. Sellyei J, Yan X, Qiu W, Vasilescu ER, Vlad G. A novel HLA-B*58:141 allele identified by next-generation sequencing in a potential hematopoietic cell recipient. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15237.
  71. Yang JH, Yang JJ, Oh HB. The novel HLA-C allele, HLA-C*01:02:84 allele, identified in a solid organ transplantation donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15255.
  72. Lin CY, Chang CL. Discovery of the novel HLA-C*01:143N allele, a variant of HLA-C*01:02:01:01, in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):760-762.
  73. You X, He Y, Zhang W, Zhu F. Description of the novel HLA allele, HLA-C*01:220 in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):762-763.
  74. You X, Tao S, Dong L, Zhang W, Zhu F. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*01:225 allele in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):764-765.
  75. Zhang J, Lin A, Ding PP, Li YM, Gao Q. The novel HLA-C*01:255 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15314.
  76. Yang KL, Lin PY. Detection of the novel HLA-C*03:04:89, a variant of HLA-C*03:04:01:01, in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15278.
  77. Loginova M, Paramonov I. Characterization of two novel alleles, HLA-C*03:638 and HLA-DQB1*03:02:38. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):632-634.
  78. Du Z, Williams C, Robinson T, Hardage B, Elrefaei M. Identification of the novel HLA-C*03:648 allele by next generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15324.
  79. Rajak J, Tambe M, D'Silva SZ, Singh M. Identification of the novel HLA-C*06:02:01:94 and -C*15:02:01:58 alleles in individuals from Madhya Pradesh. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):634-635.
  80. Elsermans V, Visentin J, Cargou M, Top I, Labalette M. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*06:176:02 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15253.
  81. Ananeva A, Nizamov S, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*07:402:02 allele detected in a potential hematopoietic stem cell donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15254.
  82. Giustiniani P, Andreani M, Bianculli AG, Guagnano A, Pinto RM. Identification of the novel HLA-C*07:852 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15288.
  83. Loginova M, Obukhov I, Paramonov I. Discovery of an HLA-C*07 variant, HLA-C*07:1083 in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15240.
  84. Ananeva A, Sergeeva I, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Discovery of the novel HLA-C*12:386 allele, a variant of HLA-C*12:03:01, in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15271.
  85. Liu Z, Kang Y, Sun Y, Wang Z, Li J. Identification of the novel HLA-C*12:391 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 11 2023;
  86. Ananeva A, Kadirov A, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. The novel HLA-C*12:392 allele was identified in four unrelated bone marrow donors. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15328.
  87. Blandin L, Visentin J, Duclaut M, Lemal R, Rouzaire P. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*16:98:02 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15285.
  88. Wang GF, An L, Ding PP, Xue HC, Yang LJ. The novel HLA-C*17:69 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15329.
  89. Rowley MV, Lucas JAM, Turner TR, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP. The novel HLA-F*01:16 and HLA-F*01:17 alleles identified in hematopoietic cell donors. HLA. Dec 11 2023;
  90. Plesner A, Pedersen FB, Hauge AW, Bruunsgaard H. Identification of the novel HLA allele HLA-DRB1*03:201 by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15262.
  91. Norgaard M, Drechsler LO, Koefoed-Nielsen P. Characterization of the novel, HLA-DRB1*07:147Q, identified by next-generation sequencing in a kidney donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15310.
  92. Loginova M, Druzhinina S, Paramonov I. Identification of three novel HLA-DRB1 alleles, HLA-DRB1*07:150, HLA-DRB1*13:345 and HLA-DRB1*14:256. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):636-637.
  93. Wang F, Li Y, Chen N, Zhang W, Zhu F. Description of two new HLA alleles: HLA-DRB1*09:01:12 and HLA-DRB1*09:49. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):637-639.
  94. Chen C, Yang F, An L, Li Y, Shi P. The novel HLA-DRB1*09:01:14 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15248.
  95. Yang KL, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*09:01:15 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15295.
  96. Balas A, Sanchez-Gordo F, Moreno-Hidalgo MA, Garcia-Sanchez F, Vicario JL. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*10:38 allele, showing an extended cytoplasmic tail. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15263.
  97. Cargou M, Elsermans V, Cambridge CA, Lasseaux E, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:01:01:12N allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):765-768.
  98. Loginova M, Repnicyna K, Obukhov I, Paramonov I. Three new HLA class II alleles detected in Bashkir individuals. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15243.
  99. Blandin L, Cargou M, Guidicelli G, Rouzaire P, Lemal R. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:324 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15280.
  100. Blandin L, Guidicelli G, Cargou M, Rouzaire P, Lemal R. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*13:03:13 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15292.
  101. Ananeva A, Ziyatdinova E, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of the novel HLA-DRB1 allele, DRB1*13:342 by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15257.
  102. Wang W, Dong L, Zhao S, Zhang W, Zhu F. Description of two new HLA alleles: HLA-DRB1*14:234 and HLA-DRB1*14:240 in Chinese individuals. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15238.
  103. Ananeva A, Ziyatdinova E, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. The novel HLA-DRB1*16:01:19 allele characterized by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15258.
  104. Cargou M, Andreani M, Battarra M, Tenchon O, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB3*02:192 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):640-641.
  105. Blandin L, Milhes J, Congy-Jolivet N, Lemal R, Rouzaire P. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB3*02:193 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):641-643.
  106. Liacini A, t Hart DC, Santos R, Peters L, Geier S. Full genomic sequence of the HLA-DRB3*03:46 allele identified by third generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):768-770.
  107. Bandres E, Gil MJ, Olleta J, Balas A, Vicario JL. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQA1*01:133Q allele with one amino acid deletion in the alpha-3 domain. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15265.
  108. Lee JK, Bae GE, Lee S, Park JW, Kang ES. Identification of the novel HLA-DQA1*01:138 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15291.
  109. Raz M, Demortier J, Frassati C, Picard C, Pedini P. The novel HLA-DQA1*03:01:12 allele identified using next-generation sequencing in a Melanesian individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):643-645.
  110. Choi S, Bang HI, Chae S, Young IH, Kim JA. The new HLA-DQA1*03:50Q allele discovered by next-generation sequencing in a Korean family. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):770-772.
  111. Chen N, Wang F, He Y, He J, Zhu F. Description of two novel HLA alleles: HLA-DQB1*03:477 and HLA-DQB1*03:487. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15266.
  112. Yang JJ, Oh HB. Genomic full-length sequence of the novel HLA-DQB1*04:01:01:04 allele. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15318.
  113. Ananeva A, Aksenova L, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQB1 allele, DQB1*05:323 by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15245.
  114. Marin Rubio LA, Ontanon J. Three novel variants of HLA-DQB1*06 identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15315.
  115. Yang JJ, Oh HB. Discovery of the HLA-DQB1*06:465 allele, a variant of HLA-DQB1*06:04:01:01. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15333.
  116. Ananeva A, Leksina Y, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Detection of the novel HLA-DQB1*06:474 allele in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15250.
  117. Wang X, Xiao Q, Du KM, Zheng ZZ, Wang L. The novel HLA-DQB1*06:475 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):645-646.
  118. Blandin L, Wojciechowski E, Ralazamahaleo M, Rouzaire P, Lemal R. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:03:51 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15284.
  119. Liacini A, Peters L, Mancini S, Gravante C, Geier S. Full genomic sequence of the HLA-DPA1*01:115 allele identified by next generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):772-773.
  120. Galluccio T, Cerretti R, Guagnano A, Troiano M, Andreani M. Identification of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:130 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15236.
  121. Galluccio T, Cerretti R, Guagnano A, Bianculli AG, Andreani M. Identification of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:149 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):774-775.
  122. Cargou M, Andreani M, Galluccio T, Wojciechowski E, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:159 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):647-648.
  123. Galluccio T, Battarra M, Bianculli AG, Besi F, Andreani M. Identification of the novel HLA-DPA1*02:110:02 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):776-777.
  124. Wang HC, Ma RY, Zhai HL, Zheng ZZ, Wei R. The novel HLA-DPB1*02:02:07 allele identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):777-778.
  125. Liacini A, Rond L, Rijkers M, t Hart DC, Peters L. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPB1*04:02:01:40 allele by Oxford nanopore sequencing (ONT) technology. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):779-781.
  126. Gvozdjan K, Cheline J, Dastych K, Wirtz C, Gaitonde S. Next-generation HLA sequencing reveals the novel HLA-DPB1*1492:01 allele. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):648-650.
  127. Tang X, Wang Y, An L, Ding P, Hu X. The novel HLA-DPB1*1497:01 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):781-782.
  128. Zhang ZF, Zhang ZY, Deng Y, Wang QM, Zhu WF. Identification of a novel MICB allele, MICB*014:02, by cloning and sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15281.

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