Marsh SGE. Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, update July, August and September 2023. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):783-814.
Marsh SGE, Albert ED, Bodmer WF, Bontrop RE, Dupont B, Erlich HA, Fern��ndez-Vi��a M, Geraghty DE, Holdsworth R, Hurley CK, Lau M, Lee KW, Mach B, Maiers M, Mayr WR, M��ller CR, Parham P, Petersdorf EW, Sasazuki T, Strominger JL, Svejgaard A, Terasaki PI, Tiercy JM, Trowsdale J Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2010. Tissue Antigens Apr 2010;75(4):291-455.
Alizadeh M, Frassati C, Walencik A, Picard C, Pedini P. Characterization of 43 novel HLA-H alleles. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15203
Cambridge CA, Turner TR, Georgiou X, Robinson J, Mayor NP, Marsh SGE. Fifty novel HLA-DPB1 alleles identified in a UK cohort of unrelated hematopoietic cell donors and recipients. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15261.
Barker DJ, Maccari G, Georgiou X, Cooper MA, Flicek P, Robinson J, Marsh SGE The IPD-IMGT/HLA Database. Nucleic Acids Res Jan 6 2023;51(D1):D1053-D1060.
Kouniaki D, Fotopoulos K, Tsirogianni A. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*02:01:01:243 allele by next generation sequencing in a Greek individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15312.
Ananeva A, Akhmetshina G, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Two novel HLA-A variants identified in Russian individuals, HLA-A*02:01:215 and -A*32:151:02. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15308.
Kouniaki D, Fotopoulos K, Stamati V, Tsirogianni A. Full-length sequence of the novel HLA-A*02:05:01:23 allele by next-generation sequencing in a Greek individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15283.
Loginova M, Paramonov I. Confirmation and extension of 18 HLA alleles identified in donors from the Russian bone marrow registry. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15334.
Li JP, Zhang X, Lin FQ, Li XF. The novel HLA-A*02:404 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):740-742.
Li XF, Zhang X, Lin FQ, Wei MJ, Li JP. The novel HLA-A*02:405 allele characterized by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):742-744.
Chang CL, Lin CY. The novel HLA-A*02:672Q allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):609-610.
Marin Rubio LA, Ontanon J. Three novel alleles HLA-A*02:1092, ���A*29:01:01:11 and -B*44:03:01:58 identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):744-745.
Vilches-Moreno M, Galan J, Mena I, Perez AE, Nieto A. HLA-A*02:1093, a variant of HLA-A*02:01:01:01 detected in two Spanish individuals. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):746-747.
Li Z, Zou HY. Full-length sequence of the novel HLA-A*02:1103 allele by next generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15302.
Ananeva A, Aksenova L, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of the novel HLA-A allele, HLA-A*03:01:120, by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15264.
Ananeva A, Sergeeva I, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of the novel HLA-A*03:01:123 allele in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15301.
Ananeva A, Sergeeva I, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of the novel HLA-A*03:02:07 allele in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15259.
He Y, Wu Z, He J, Zhang W, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-A*03:453 allele in a Chinese blood donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15311.
Lou C, Wang J, An L, Hu XZ, Li JM. The novel HLA-A*11:448 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15241.
Gao SQ, Xu YP, Li DC, Zhang H, Peng L. Discovery of the novel HLA-A*11:452N allele by next-generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15247.
Ananeva A, Sergeeva I, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Discovery of the novel HLA-A*11:454 allele, a variant of HLA-A*11:01:01:01, in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15303.
Liu Z, Kang Y, Wang Z, Sun Y, Li J. Identification of the novel HLA-A*11:456 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA Jan 2024;103(1):e15289.
Dong L, Zhao S, Wang F, Zhang W, Zhu F. Identification of the novel HLA-A*24:567N allele in a Chinese individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):611-612.
Bae CO, Park JS, Lee J, Kim Y, Park Y. Identification of the novel HLA-A*24:585:02 allele using next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):747-748.
Ananeva A, Elagina E, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Recognition of the novel HLA-A*24:602 allele detected in a potential hematopoietic stem cell donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15244.
Zhang L, Ma C, Liu X, Zhang Q. The novel HLA-A*24:604 allele, identified using next-generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):749-750.
Jeong IH, Lee JK, Kwon WK, Song EY, Kim KH, Lee J, Jung S, Jeong M, Park JW, Kang ES Characterization of novel HLA-A*24:608N allele discovered in Koreans. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15332.
Ananeva A, Aksenova L, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of three novel HLA-A*24 alleles by next generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15317.
Gao SQ, Li DC, Peng L, Zhang H, Xu YP. Genomic sequence of the novel HLA-A*26:206:02N allele, identified in a patient with hepatitis B infection. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):750-752.
Liu T, Chen L, Xiao M, Wang N, Wang G. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*26:233 allele by sequencing based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):613-614.
Lin CL, Lee HL, Lin WS, Lin M, Lee YJ. The novel HLA-A*26:236 allele identified by sequence-based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):614-615.
Ananeva A, Kadirov A, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Detection of the novel HLA-A*29:183 allele in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15304.
Kim J, Shin KH, Kim HH. The novel HLA-A*30:01:25 allele found in a Korean hematopoietic stem cell recipient. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15267.
Zou HY, Quan ZR, Zhou D. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*30:211 allele by next generation sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15305.
Gatouillat G, Tabary T, Tonye-Libyh M, Pham BN, Giusti D. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*33:220 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):616-617.
Torio A, Rodriguez-Nicolas A, Cabo-Zabala L, Caballero A. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*33:237 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15242.
Zhong XX, Quan ZR, Wu WD, Yuan R, Luo SH. Next-generation HLA sequencing reveals the novel HLA-A*33:244 allele. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15272.
Pedini P, Brami B, Walencik A, Frassati C, Picard C. Characterization of the novel HLA-A*33:246 allele using next-generation sequencing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):617-619.
Frassati C, Basire A, Chiaroni J, Picard C, Pedini P. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*07:482 allele using next-generation sequencing methods. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):619-620.
Loginova M, Smirnova D, Paramonov I. Genomic sequence of the HLA-B*08:01:71, HLA-B*51:382, and HLA-B*55:01:30 alleles. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):621-622.
Blandin L, Ralazamahaleo M, Guidicelli G, Rouzaire P, Lemal R. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*08:312 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15279.
Han B, Feng ZH, Chi XY, Jiao SX, Pang ST. Genomic full-length sequence of the HLA-B*13:64 allele was identified in a Chinese bone marrow donor. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):622-624.
Loginova M, Druzhinina S, Paramonov I. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*13:181 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):752-753.
Li XF, Zhang X, Lin FQ, Li JP. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*15:269 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):754-756.
Li JP, Liu Y, Zhang X, Wei YD, Li XF. Identification of the novel HLA-B*15:270 allele by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):756-758.
Tao S, You X, Wang F, Zhang W, Zhu F. The novel allele, HLA-B*15:627 was identified by next-generation sequencing in a Chinese cord blood donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15309.
Gatouillat G, Walencik A, Tabary T, Tonye-Libyh M, Giusti D. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*15:648 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15323.
Rajak J, Tambe M, D'Silva SZ, Singh M. Identification of the HLA-B*15:665 and HLA-C*12:02:02:23 alleles in individuals from the South Asia. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):625-626.
Kouniaki D, Fotopoulos K, Stamati V, Tsirogianni A. Full-length sequence of the novel HLA-B*18:01:01:73 allele by next generation sequencing in a Greek individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15290.
de Oliveira AML, Massi FP, Pinto LDB, Zacarias JMV, Visentainer JEL. Description of four new HLA-B alleles in Brazilian bone marrow donors. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15277.
Shen MX, An L, Ding PP, Hu XZ, Lei MQ. The novel HLA-B*27:267 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):626-627.
Dong L, Pi W, Chen N, Zhang W, Zhu F. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*35:546 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):628-629.
Ananeva A, Osipova N, Elagina E, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Two novel HLA-B variants identified in Russian individuals, HLA-B*37:108 and -B*38:108. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15249.
Loginova M, Repnicyna K, Paramonov I, Gerasimova V. The HLA-B*38:110 allele identified in a volunteer bone marrow donor. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):630-631.
Blandin L, Visentin J, Ralazamahaleo M, Lemal R, Rouzaire P. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*39:06:09 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15287.
Ananeva A, Nizamov S, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Discovery of the novel HLA-B*39:198 allele, a variant of HLA-B*39:01:01, in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15270.
Chen N, Dong L, Zhao S, Zhang W, Zhu F. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*40:01:02:48 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15256.
Chen N, Zhao S, Zhang W, He J, Zhu F. Characterization of the novel allele, HLA-B*40:509Q in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15268.
Elsermans V, Visentin J, Top I, Pajot T, Labalette M. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*40:539 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15246.
Liu T, Chen L, Xiao M, Wang N, Zhang D. Identification of the novel allele, HLA-B*48:58, in a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):631-632.
Ananeva A, Akhmetshina G, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. The novel HLA-B*49:81 allele characterized by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15275.
Kouniaki D, Fotopoulos K, Tsirogianni A. Characterization of the novel HLA-B*51:01:01:109 allele by next generation sequencing in a Greek individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15313.
Cheng ZA, Bian C, Lin KQ, Sun H, Yang ZQ. Determination of the 3'UTR region of HLA-B*53:01:03 sequence by next generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15322.
Alanazi H, Alshubaili A, Cereb N, Hajeer A, Jawdat D. Identification of the novel HLA-B*53:69 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15331.
Zhang XQ, An L, Ding PP, Li YX, Li LM. The novel HLA-B*54:01:12 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15299.
Bang HI, Choi S, Seo M, Park MY, Im HY. Identification of a novel HLA-B allele, HLA-B*54:47, in a Korean individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):758-760.
Du Z, Williams C, Santiago R, Ussery T, Elrefaei M. Identification of the novel HLA-B*57:168 allele by next generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 11 2023;
Yang JJ, Oh HB. The HLA-B*58:01:43 allele identified in a Korean individual awaiting hematopoietic stem cell transplant. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15294.
Sellyei J, Yan X, Qiu W, Vasilescu ER, Vlad G. A novel HLA-B*58:141 allele identified by next-generation sequencing in a potential hematopoietic cell recipient. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15237.
Yang JH, Yang JJ, Oh HB. The novel HLA-C allele, HLA-C*01:02:84 allele, identified in a solid organ transplantation donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15255.
Lin CY, Chang CL. Discovery of the novel HLA-C*01:143N allele, a variant of HLA-C*01:02:01:01, in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):760-762.
You X, He Y, Zhang W, Zhu F. Description of the novel HLA allele, HLA-C*01:220 in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):762-763.
You X, Tao S, Dong L, Zhang W, Zhu F. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*01:225 allele in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):764-765.
Zhang J, Lin A, Ding PP, Li YM, Gao Q. The novel HLA-C*01:255 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15314.
Yang KL, Lin PY. Detection of the novel HLA-C*03:04:89, a variant of HLA-C*03:04:01:01, in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15278.
Loginova M, Paramonov I. Characterization of two novel alleles, HLA-C*03:638 and HLA-DQB1*03:02:38. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):632-634.
Du Z, Williams C, Robinson T, Hardage B, Elrefaei M. Identification of the novel HLA-C*03:648 allele by next generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15324.
Rajak J, Tambe M, D'Silva SZ, Singh M. Identification of the novel HLA-C*06:02:01:94 and -C*15:02:01:58 alleles in individuals from Madhya Pradesh. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):634-635.
Elsermans V, Visentin J, Cargou M, Top I, Labalette M. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*06:176:02 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15253.
Ananeva A, Nizamov S, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*07:402:02 allele detected in a potential hematopoietic stem cell donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15254.
Giustiniani P, Andreani M, Bianculli AG, Guagnano A, Pinto RM. Identification of the novel HLA-C*07:852 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15288.
Loginova M, Obukhov I, Paramonov I. Discovery of an HLA-C*07 variant, HLA-C*07:1083 in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15240.
Ananeva A, Sergeeva I, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Discovery of the novel HLA-C*12:386 allele, a variant of HLA-C*12:03:01, in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15271.
Liu Z, Kang Y, Sun Y, Wang Z, Li J. Identification of the novel HLA-C*12:391 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 11 2023;
Ananeva A, Kadirov A, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. The novel HLA-C*12:392 allele was identified in four unrelated bone marrow donors. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15328.
Blandin L, Visentin J, Duclaut M, Lemal R, Rouzaire P. Characterization of the novel HLA-C*16:98:02 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15285.
Wang GF, An L, Ding PP, Xue HC, Yang LJ. The novel HLA-C*17:69 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15329.
Rowley MV, Lucas JAM, Turner TR, Marsh SGE, Mayor NP. The novel HLA-F*01:16 and HLA-F*01:17 alleles identified in hematopoietic cell donors. HLA. Dec 11 2023;
Plesner A, Pedersen FB, Hauge AW, Bruunsgaard H. Identification of the novel HLA allele HLA-DRB1*03:201 by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15262.
Norgaard M, Drechsler LO, Koefoed-Nielsen P. Characterization of the novel, HLA-DRB1*07:147Q, identified by next-generation sequencing in a kidney donor. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15310.
Loginova M, Druzhinina S, Paramonov I. Identification of three novel HLA-DRB1 alleles, HLA-DRB1*07:150, HLA-DRB1*13:345 and HLA-DRB1*14:256. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):636-637.
Wang F, Li Y, Chen N, Zhang W, Zhu F. Description of two new HLA alleles: HLA-DRB1*09:01:12 and HLA-DRB1*09:49. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):637-639.
Chen C, Yang F, An L, Li Y, Shi P. The novel HLA-DRB1*09:01:14 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15248.
Yang KL, Lin PY. Discovery of the novel HLA-DRB1*09:01:15 allele in a Taiwanese individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15295.
Balas A, Sanchez-Gordo F, Moreno-Hidalgo MA, Garcia-Sanchez F, Vicario JL. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*10:38 allele, showing an extended cytoplasmic tail. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15263.
Cargou M, Elsermans V, Cambridge CA, Lasseaux E, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:01:01:12N allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):765-768.
Loginova M, Repnicyna K, Obukhov I, Paramonov I. Three new HLA class II alleles detected in Bashkir individuals. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15243.
Blandin L, Cargou M, Guidicelli G, Rouzaire P, Lemal R. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*11:324 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15280.
Blandin L, Guidicelli G, Cargou M, Rouzaire P, Lemal R. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB1*13:03:13 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15292.
Ananeva A, Ziyatdinova E, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Identification of the novel HLA-DRB1 allele, DRB1*13:342 by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15257.
Wang W, Dong L, Zhao S, Zhang W, Zhu F. Description of two new HLA alleles: HLA-DRB1*14:234 and HLA-DRB1*14:240 in Chinese individuals. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15238.
Ananeva A, Ziyatdinova E, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. The novel HLA-DRB1*16:01:19 allele characterized by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15258.
Cargou M, Andreani M, Battarra M, Tenchon O, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB3*02:192 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):640-641.
Blandin L, Milhes J, Congy-Jolivet N, Lemal R, Rouzaire P. Characterization of the novel HLA-DRB3*02:193 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):641-643.
Liacini A, t Hart DC, Santos R, Peters L, Geier S. Full genomic sequence of the HLA-DRB3*03:46 allele identified by third generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):768-770.
Bandres E, Gil MJ, Olleta J, Balas A, Vicario JL. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQA1*01:133Q allele with one amino acid deletion in the alpha-3 domain. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15265.
Lee JK, Bae GE, Lee S, Park JW, Kang ES. Identification of the novel HLA-DQA1*01:138 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15291.
Raz M, Demortier J, Frassati C, Picard C, Pedini P. The novel HLA-DQA1*03:01:12 allele identified using next-generation sequencing in a Melanesian individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):643-645.
Choi S, Bang HI, Chae S, Young IH, Kim JA. The new HLA-DQA1*03:50Q allele discovered by next-generation sequencing in a Korean family. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):770-772.
Chen N, Wang F, He Y, He J, Zhu F. Description of two novel HLA alleles: HLA-DQB1*03:477 and HLA-DQB1*03:487. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15266.
Yang JJ, Oh HB. Genomic full-length sequence of the novel HLA-DQB1*04:01:01:04 allele. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15318.
Ananeva A, Aksenova L, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Characterization of the novel HLA-DQB1 allele, DQB1*05:323 by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15245.
Marin Rubio LA, Ontanon J. Three novel variants of HLA-DQB1*06 identified by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15315.
Yang JJ, Oh HB. Discovery of the HLA-DQB1*06:465 allele, a variant of HLA-DQB1*06:04:01:01. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15333.
Ananeva A, Leksina Y, Andryushkina AV, Shagimardanova EI. Detection of the novel HLA-DQB1*06:474 allele in a Russian individual. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15250.
Wang X, Xiao Q, Du KM, Zheng ZZ, Wang L. The novel HLA-DQB1*06:475 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):645-646.
Blandin L, Wojciechowski E, Ralazamahaleo M, Rouzaire P, Lemal R. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:03:51 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15284.
Liacini A, Peters L, Mancini S, Gravante C, Geier S. Full genomic sequence of the HLA-DPA1*01:115 allele identified by next generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):772-773.
Galluccio T, Cerretti R, Guagnano A, Troiano M, Andreani M. Identification of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:130 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15236.
Galluccio T, Cerretti R, Guagnano A, Bianculli AG, Andreani M. Identification of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:149 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):774-775.
Cargou M, Andreani M, Galluccio T, Wojciechowski E, Visentin J. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPA1*01:159 allele by sequencing-based typing. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):647-648.
Galluccio T, Battarra M, Bianculli AG, Besi F, Andreani M. Identification of the novel HLA-DPA1*02:110:02 allele by next-generation sequencing. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):776-777.
Wang HC, Ma RY, Zhai HL, Zheng ZZ, Wei R. The novel HLA-DPB1*02:02:07 allele identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):777-778.
Liacini A, Rond L, Rijkers M, t Hart DC, Peters L. Characterization of the novel HLA-DPB1*04:02:01:40 allele by Oxford nanopore sequencing (ONT) technology. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):779-781.
Gvozdjan K, Cheline J, Dastych K, Wirtz C, Gaitonde S. Next-generation HLA sequencing reveals the novel HLA-DPB1*1492:01 allele. HLA. Nov 2023;102(5):648-650.
Tang X, Wang Y, An L, Ding P, Hu X. The novel HLA-DPB1*1497:01 allele, identified by Sanger dideoxy nucleotide sequencing in a Chinese individual. HLA. Dec 2023;102(6):781-782.
Zhang ZF, Zhang ZY, Deng Y, Wang QM, Zhu WF. Identification of a novel MICB allele, MICB*014:02, by cloning and sequencing. HLA. Jan 2024;103(1):e15281.