Yaning Zhao, Yang Zhang, Shichun Li, Shuya Tan, Jie Cao, Hou-Ling Wang, Jingchu Luo, Hongwei Guo, Zhang Zhang, Zhonghai Li
Through an extensive literature survey, we have upgraded the Leaf Senescence Database (LSD v5.0; https://ngdc.cncb.ac.cn/LSD/), a curated repository of comprehensive senescence-associated genes (SAGs) and their corresponding mutants. Since its inception in 2010, LSD undergoes frequent updates to encompass the latest advances in leaf senescence research and its current version comprises a high-quality collection of 31,740 SAGs and 1,209 mutants from 148 species, which were manually searched based on robust experimental evidence and further categorized according to their functions in leaf senescence. Furthermore, LSD was greatly enriched with comprehensive annotations for the SAGs through meticulous curation using both manual and computational methods. In addition, it was equipped with user-friendly web interfaces that facilitate text queries, BLAST searches, and convenient download of SAG sequences for localized analysis. Users can effortlessly navigate the database to access a plethora of information, including literature references, mutants, phenotypes, multi-omics data, miRNA interactions, homologs in other plants, and cross-links to various databases. Taken together, the upgraded version of LSD stands as the most comprehensive and informative plant senescence-related database to date, incorporating the largest collection of SAGs and thus bearing great utility for a wide range of studies related to plant senescence.