Imaging plant cell walls using fluorescent stains: The beauty is in the details.

Luca Piccinini, Fabien Nirina Ramamonjy, Robertas Ursache
Author Information
  1. Luca Piccinini: Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. ORCID
  2. Fabien Nirina Ramamonjy: Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. ORCID
  3. Robertas Ursache: Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. ORCID


Plants continuously face various environmental stressors throughout their lifetime. To be able to grow and adapt in different environments, they developed specialized tissues that allowed them to maintain a protected yet interconnected body. These tissues undergo specific primary and secondary cell wall modifications that are essential to ensure normal plant growth, adaptation and successful land colonization. The composition of cell walls can vary among different plant species, organs and tissues. The ability to remodel their cell walls is fundamental for plants to be able to cope with multiple biotic and abiotic stressors. A better understanding of the changes taking place in plant cell walls may help identify and develop new strategies as well as tools to enhance plants' survival under environmental stresses or prevent pathogen attack. Since the invention of microscopy, numerous imaging techniques have been developed to determine the composition and dynamics of plant cell walls during normal growth and in response to environmental stimuli. In this review, we discuss the main advances in imaging plant cell walls, with a particular focus on fluorescent stains for different cell wall components and their compatibility with tissue clearing techniques. Lay Description: Plants are continuously subjected to various environmental stresses during their lifespan. They evolved specialized tissues that thrive in different environments, enabling them to maintain a protected yet interconnected body. Such tissues undergo distinct primary and secondary cell wall alterations essential to normal plant growth, their adaptability and successful land colonization. Cell wall composition may differ among various plant species, organs and even tissues. To deal with various biotic and abiotic stresses, plants must have the capacity to remodel their cell walls. Gaining insight into changes that take place in plant cell walls will help identify and create novel tools and strategies to improve plants' ability to withstand environmental challenges. Multiple imaging techniques have been developed since the introduction of microscopy to analyse the composition and dynamics of plant cell walls during growth and in response to environmental changes. Advancements in plant tissue cleaning procedures and their compatibility with cell wall stains have significantly enhanced our ability to perform high-resolution cell wall imaging. At the same time, several factors influence the effectiveness of cleaning and staining plant specimens, as well as the time necessary for the process, including the specimen's size, thickness, tissue complexity and the presence of autofluorescence. In this review, we will discuss the major advances in imaging plant cell walls, with a particular emphasis on fluorescent stains for diverse cell wall components and their compatibility with tissue clearing techniques. We hope that this review will assist readers in selecting the most appropriate stain or combination of stains to highlight specific cell wall components of interest.



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  1. RYC2021-033414-l/Ayudas Ram��n y Cajal
  2. JDC2022-049881-I/Juan de La Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowship
  3. PID2022-140851NA-I00/Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

MeSH Term

Cell Wall
Fluorescent Dyes
Plant Cells
Staining and Labeling


Fluorescent Dyes

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