100 Years of the American Public Health Association's Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section: Celebrating the Past, Forging the Future.

M Elaine Auld, Regina A Galer-Unti, Melissa Alperin, Angela Mickalide
Author Information
  1. M Elaine Auld: Society for Public Health Education, Washington, DC, USA. ORCID
  2. Regina A Galer-Unti: Public Health Consultant, Urbana, IL, USA. ORCID
  3. Melissa Alperin: Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  4. Angela Mickalide: Health Education Consultant, Washington, DC, USA.


The American Public Health Association's Public Health Education and Health Promotion (APHA PHEHP) Section celebrates its 100th anniversary by reflecting on its humble beginnings and early contributions to the field of health education. This article highlights the often-unsung history of our field and its fledgling beginnings, which is important to scholars and students alike. First codified as the Health Education and Publicity Section in the early 1920s, we trace the history and challenges of using new modes of publicity such as motion pictures and innovative exhibits to help curb the spread of infectious diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, venereal disease). Evart G. Routzahn, credited as the Section's father, worked tirelessly to increase the Section's visibility (renamed the Health Education Section in 1927 and the Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section in 1990) and in advancing the professionalization of health education during a time when there were no formal professional preparation programs in health education. Over the years, the Section has played significant roles in strengthening the practice of health education and communication; advancing APHA's overall leadership, infrastructure, and governance; and contributing to the unified voice and advocacy for the health education profession and health equity. We conclude by describing contemporary initiatives that reflect the continued spirit and vibrancy of the Section in setting the stage for the next 100 years.


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