Patterns in Tobacco, E-Cigarette, and Cannabis Advertising Exposure Among California Adolescents and Associations With Future Use Expectations.

Benjamin W Chaffee, Elizabeth T Couch, Candice D Donaldson, Omara Farooq, Nancy F Cheng, Niloufar Ameli, Xueying Zhang, Stuart A Gansky
Author Information
  1. Benjamin W Chaffee: Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  2. Elizabeth T Couch: Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  3. Candice D Donaldson: California Department of Public Health, CHC/California Tobacco Control Branch, California Tobacco Prevention Program, Sacramento, CA, USA.
  4. Omara Farooq: California Department of Public Health, CHC/California Tobacco Control Branch, California Tobacco Prevention Program, Sacramento, CA, USA.
  5. Nancy F Cheng: Division of Oral Epidemiology and Dental Public Health, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  6. Niloufar Ameli: Division of Oral Epidemiology and Dental Public Health, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  7. Xueying Zhang: California Department of Public Health, CHC/California Tobacco Control Branch, California Tobacco Prevention Program, Sacramento, CA, USA.
  8. Stuart A Gansky: Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.


BACKGROUND: Exposure to tobacco, e-cigarette, or cannabis marketing is associated with adolescent use. Few studies have examined advertising exposure prevalence and patterns across these products concurrently.
METHODS: This study assessed past 30-day recalled exposure to promotional messages about tobacco, e-cigarettes ("vapes" on the survey), and cannabis ("marijuana") from various sources among California adolescents (ages 12-17) in the 2022 Teens, Nicotine, and Tobacco Online Survey (���=���2530). Principal components analysis (PCA) was conducted to examine the underlying structure and patterns in advertising exposure sources. Multivariable logistic regression was used to evaluate associations between any advertising exposure and future use expectations (a susceptibility measure) in one year and at age 25 among current never-users.
RESULTS: Overall, 65.9% of participants recently noticed at least one tobacco (52.5%), vape (51.5%), or marijuana (45.6%) advertisement. Gas stations or convenience stores were the most common source for tobacco or vape ads; billboards were for marijuana ads. In PCA, advertising exposure patterns correlated with advertising source, not the type of product. Exposures from tobacco-specific sources and nearer point of sale were associated with current use, older age, LGBTQ���+���identity, and sensation seeking. Among never-users, advertising exposure was associated with one-year and age-25 use expectations for cigarettes (one-year expectations adjusted odds ratio: 1.7; 95% CI: 1.1, 2.5), vapes (2.3; 1.5, 3.5), and marijuana (2.1; 1.5, 3.0).
CONCLUSION: California adolescents' exposure to tobacco, e-cigarette, and cannabis marketing is common, follows similar patterns, and is associated with use susceptibility. Comprehensive restrictions on marketing accessible to adolescents could help prevent youth use.



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  1. U54 HL147127/NHLBI NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems
Adolescent Behavior
Tobacco Products
Young Adult
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0exposuretobaccouseadvertising1cannabismarketingassociatedpatterns5sourcesCaliforniaTobaccoexpectationsmarijuana23Exposuree-cigaretteadolescentamongadolescentsPCAsusceptibilityoneagecurrentnever-users5%vapecommonsourceadsAmongone-yearcigarettesBACKGROUND:studiesexaminedprevalenceacrossproductsconcurrentlyMETHODS:studyassessedpast30-dayrecalledpromotionalmessagese-cigarettes"vapes"survey"marijuana"variousages12-172022TeensNicotineOnlineSurvey���=���2530PrincipalcomponentsanalysisconductedexamineunderlyingstructureMultivariablelogisticregressionusedevaluateassociationsfuturemeasureyear25RESULTS:Overall659%participantsrecentlynoticedleast5251456%advertisementGasstationsconveniencestoresbillboardscorrelatedtypeproductExposurestobacco-specificnearerpointsaleolderLGBTQ���+���identitysensationseekingage-25adjustedoddsratio:795%CI:vapes0CONCLUSION:adolescents'followssimilarComprehensiverestrictionsaccessiblehelppreventyouthPatternsE-CigaretteCannabisAdvertisingAdolescentsAssociationsFutureUseExpectationshealthelectroniccontrol

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