Ageism webinars: A needs-based continuing education training for the national aging network.

Savannah Schultz, Sarah L Francis, Mack Shelley, Mridul Datta
Author Information
  1. Savannah Schultz: Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.
  2. Sarah L Francis: Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.
  3. Mack Shelley: Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.
  4. Mridul Datta: Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.


To combat ageism, the National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging (NRCNA) launched two Ageism Webinars (AWs). The study's aims were to 1) assess the effectiveness of the AWs for increasing participants' perceived familiarity (FAM) and knowledge (KNOW) and producing high behavioral intent to implement recommended action steps and quality among participants, and 2) practice equitable evaluation by ascertaining whether outcomes were fairly achieved by participants regardless of race, age, and education. A convenience sample of mostly educated non-Hispanic females with an average age of 52���years (���=���193) completed a retrospective online survey post-webinar. A retrospective Likert scale noted an overall increase in perceived FAM and KNOW (���<���0.001). However, these changes were significantly smaller (���<���0.05) among those from historically marginalized races and ethnicities. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) items predicted high intention to complete the recommended action step following the webinars. High satisfaction for webinars was reported, with 98.7% wanting to attend future NRCNA training. This study provides evidence of an effective training modality for addressing ageist perspectives, and the demonstrated differences provide insight into how to improve the AWs and the evaluation of future webinars.



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  1. 90PPNU0002/ACL HHS

MeSH Term

Middle Aged
Education, Continuing
Retrospective Studies
United States
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Needs Assessment

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0evaluationAgeismAWsretrospectivewebinarstrainingNRCNAperceivedFAMKNOWhighrecommendedactionamongparticipantsequitableageeducationsurvey���<���0futurecombatageismNationalResourceCenterNutritionAginglaunchedtwoWebinarsstudy'saims1assesseffectivenessincreasingparticipants'familiarityknowledgeproducingbehavioralintentimplementstepsquality2practiceascertainingwhetheroutcomesfairlyachievedregardlessraceconveniencesamplemostlyeducatednon-Hispanicfemalesaverage52���years���=���193completedonlinepost-webinarLikertscalenotedoverallincrease001Howeverchangessignificantlysmaller05historicallymarginalizedracesethnicitiestheoryplannedbehaviorTPBitemspredictedintentioncompletestepfollowingHighsatisfactionreported987%wantingattendstudyprovidesevidenceeffectivemodalityaddressingageistperspectivesdemonstrateddifferencesprovideinsightimprovewebinars:needs-basedcontinuingnationalagingnetworkOlderAmericansActprofessionaldevelopmentprogramwebinar

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