A review of extant literature and recent trends in residential construction waste reduction.

Hadeel Albsoul, Dat Tien Doan, Itohan Esther Aigwi, Ali GhaffarianHoseini
Author Information
  1. Hadeel Albsoul: School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. ORCID
  2. Dat Tien Doan: School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. ORCID
  3. Itohan Esther Aigwi: School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. ORCID
  4. Ali GhaffarianHoseini: School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.


The residential construction sector in New Zealand and worldwide is experiencing increased criticism for generating substantial waste that poses environmental concerns. Accordingly, researchers have advocated implementing residential construction waste reduction (RCWR) strategies as a sustainable solution to managing construction waste (CW). This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of RCWR by analysing 87 articles from the Scopus database using bibliometric and critical review methods. The co-occurrence analysis of keywords revealed five clusters, in which five main themes emerged: (i) waste generation and management performance, (ii) prefabrication and life cycle assessment concepts, (iii) design concepts, (iv) circular economy and (v) decision-making concepts. The findings suggest that sustainable practices such as designing for waste reduction, prefabrication, waste quantification, three-dimensional printing and building information modelling can effectively achieve RCWR. The study also highlights the benefits of RCWR, including reducing environmental impacts, and identifies management, economic, legislative, technology and cultural barriers that affect the implementation of RCWR strategies. These results provide valuable insights to support future policy formulation and research direction for RCWR in New Zealand.



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  3. Waste Manag Res. 2013 Mar;31(3):241-55 [PMID: 23315370]
  4. Waste Manag. 2021 Feb 1;120:484-493 [PMID: 33191050]
  5. Biomed Digit Libr. 2006 Mar 08;3:1 [PMID: 16522216]
  6. Waste Manag Res. 2012 Feb;30(2):137-46 [PMID: 22081383]
  7. Waste Manag. 2014 Nov;34(11):1932-8 [PMID: 25081852]
  8. Waste Manag. 2017 Sep;67:265-277 [PMID: 28551278]
  9. Waste Manag. 2021 May 1;126:608-622 [PMID: 33862512]
  10. Waste Manag. 2018 Aug;78:446-455 [PMID: 32559932]
  11. Waste Manag Res. 2010 Feb;28(2):118-29 [PMID: 19723824]
  12. Waste Manag Res. 2020 Apr;38(4):433-443 [PMID: 31739769]
  13. Waste Manag. 2011 Feb;31(2):353-8 [PMID: 20106651]
  14. J Evid Based Med. 2017 Aug;10(3):233-240 [PMID: 28857505]
  15. Waste Manag. 2020 Apr 15;107:159-171 [PMID: 32283490]
  16. Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 21;12(1):6126 [PMID: 34675192]
  17. Waste Manag. 2016 Oct;56:318-36 [PMID: 27292581]
  18. Global Health. 2018 Nov 8;14(1):106 [PMID: 30409223]
  19. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2021 May;28(19):24499-24510 [PMID: 32358748]
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  22. J Environ Manage. 2020 Jun 15;264:110445 [PMID: 32217323]

MeSH Term

Waste Management
New Zealand
Construction Materials
Construction Industry

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0wasteconstructionRCWRresidentialreductionNewZealandsustainableconceptsenvironmentalstrategiesprovidereviewanalysisfivemanagementprefabricationcirculareconomysectorworldwideexperiencingincreasedcriticismgeneratingsubstantialposesconcernsAccordinglyresearchersadvocatedimplementingsolutionmanagingCWarticleaimscomprehensiveoverviewanalysing87articlesScopusdatabaseusingbibliometriccriticalmethodsco-occurrencekeywordsrevealedclustersmainthemesemerged:generationperformanceiilifecycleassessmentiiidesignivvdecision-makingfindingssuggestpracticesdesigningquantificationthree-dimensionalprintingbuildinginformationmodellingcaneffectivelyachievestudyalsohighlightsbenefitsincludingreducingimpactsidentifieseconomiclegislativetechnologyculturalbarriersaffectimplementationresultsvaluableinsightssupportfuturepolicyformulationresearchdirectionextantliteraturerecenttrendsBibliometricdevelopment

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